Chapter 2: The "True" Me

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"Hello?" I ask again.

"Katlin? Its Ava. Did you get there ok?"

"Ya, I'm here and everything is fine don't worry."

"Ok good. I just want to let you know that Fame is not eating and will not drink. I'm starting to get worried." Ava explains.

"What? How can that be? The last time I fed her she was eating fine!" I say. I don't understand why she is not eating. I always feed her. Maybe she misses me. But how does she know I left Kentucky? It just does not make sense to me. "When was the last time she was fed?" I ask Ava.

"Um...This morning. The grooms said that she only ate half her grain and didn't touch her water. What should I do? Call the vet?"

"Give her some time. I think she misses me. I am the only one who really feeds her. If she still is not eating in three days call the vet, ok?"

"Ok. I just wanted to check with you first to make sure it was ok with you."

"Thanks, and its fine if the vet has to come. If she asks where I am just say that I am on vacation and will not be back anytime soon." I explain, "I have to go, practice is starting soon. Oh! And do me a favor, don't jump Fame over anything higher than 3 foot."

"Ok, will do. Talk to you soon! Call me after practice! Bye."

"Bye!" I say as I end the call. I put my iPhone back in my bag and grab my skates.

"What was that about?" Sidney asks

"Oh, um...about my dog. She is sick and will not eat." I explain trying not to say that I was really about my horse.

"Why does it have a groom? and why not jump her above 3 foot?" Gr, I think he is starting to put the puzzle together. "Think fast Kate!"

"Um...she is staying with the groomer I take her to, and she is a show dog. My sister shows her." I think that was a good save on my part. He looks at me. His brown eyes staring at me. "Would you look at the time! Practice is starting!" I say as I jump up off the bench and head to the ice. Practice was good, nothing I never did or learned before. But we did do something different, they had a shoot out practice. I'm not use to doing shoot outs so I tried to sneak to the last spot in line. Everyone went one by one and they all missed. Than it was Sidney's turn. He skated up to the puck and pushed it forward. He was aiming for the to left of the net. Smart. He gets closer to the goalie and fires, but it was no good. So he joined the rest of the team. Than it was my turn. I stood there looking at the goalie. I was not going to miss this. I skated forward and took the puck. Every stride I got faster and faster. When to got right in front of the net I fired in to the top right of the net. I made it! I was the only one who scored! I was so happy. As I skated past the guys they were surprised that I made the shot. everyone cheered. I skated up to the bench to get a drink. "That was an amazing shot!" the coach explained. "Do you play forward?"

"Yes. I also play defense. I can really play where ever you want me to play." I explain and the coach seemed impressed.

"I think you would be at your best playing forward, what do you think?"

"That's fine. Where ever you want me to play I will play." I say as I put the bottle back on the bench.

"Ok, I really like you." he says, "Free skate for the last ten minutes!" he yells and everyone takes the ice.

"That's was amazing!" Sidney says, "Are you right of left handed?"

"I'm right handed. I cannot do anything with my left." I say as I laugh. He just looks at me. Well now that I have everyone's trust, I think I am going to tell them. "I'll be right back." I say to Sidney and he nods. I skate to center ice and everyone looks at me. "I have an announcement to make!" I say "There is something you guys need to know about me." Everyone stops and looks at me and the coach does the same. "I have been keeping a little secret for you guys. My name is not Keith but Katlin. I'm not a guy, I'm a girl. I'm form a small Kentucky town. I own horses that I ride and take care of." No one moves. "I know that I should have came out and said something earlier, but I was afraid that you guys wouldn't accept me for me." I take off the wig and let my dirty blond hair fall. "Please don't hate me. I just did it because I love to play hockey and I didn't want my chance to play in the NHL disappear." I skate back to the wall and I head over to where Sidney is standing.

"I knew it!" he says.

"But how? I didn't let anything I said or did say that I was a girl."

"Your eyes tell it all. The pain, the joy the everything." he explains. when he said pain I grab my arm. He notices and pulls up the sleeve only to revel a giant black and blue mark with stiches in the center. "OMG! What happened to your arm?!" he scream/asks. The others start to skate our way.

"Its a long story." I say pulling my arm away, but he grabs it.

"You don't have to hide it from us." he says as the rest of the team comes over to look at the big mark on my arm. "Tell us how this happened." he says.

"No, I can't! The memory is to painful." I say

"We understand, but please tell us. Who do we have to tell?" He has a good point. Ok well here goes nothing.

"I was riding my one friend's horse in a show. We were going up to the last jump of our round and the time to beat was 45.432 seconds. I looked up at the timer and I knew if I didn't push for a long spot we would end up second and I needed the points to move on to the state competition. So I did. I asked for a bigger stride and just as I was about to take off, someone's phone went off and scared the crap out of my horse. He took off, ran right through the jump. I tried to hold on and collect him back up but he was running and bucking so badly that he fell on top of me. He got up and ran to the in gate but I didn't move. I was in total shock. I thought I was dead. So many people ran out to me, one being my best friend who owned the horse I was ridding. All she kept saying is I'm sorry I'm sorry. after about five minuets of just laying there I got up. I thought I was ok. I felt some pain but most of it was coming from my left arm. I pulled my jacket sleeve up and there was blood every where. everyone started to freak out. I didn't think it was that bad. But they said I had to go and get it looked at." I explained. The team just looked at me.

"Your horse fell on top of you?" Max Talbot asked.

"Yes." he skates over and gives me a hug. The others do the same. "Thanks guys." I say as I hug them back. But then trouble started.

"Katlin we need to talk. NOW!" coach said "Come with me." I look at the guys the all look at me. They mouthed good luck. I knew I was in for the not telling that I was a girl. I hope I can stay on the team.

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