The First Day Of High School

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Zelda's P.O.V:
I woke up early and wore my pink dress. Than, went to the kitchen and started to make omelet. I ate it and grabbed my bag. I was very excited because it was my first day in high school. I went out and waited for the school bus. When it came, I got in bus.

Link's P.O.V:
I was sitting with my friends at school
bus and saw someone who was wearing a pink dress. I have never seen this girl before. I thought she was beautiful. Pit, the angel-boy said, "Hey, Marth, do you know who she is?" Marth, who was the leader of our football team said, "Of course I don't! And why did you ask me?" My best friend, Roy said, "Because you are getting on well with girls."
And all of us but Marth started to laugh. Marth glanced at Roy and said, "Woow, look who is talking! I wish your girlfriend would be here." Than, we heard a voice that coming from our driver, "We're at Hyrule High School!" And we got off.

Zelda's P.O.V:
I got off from the bus and went to my classroom. First period was science. Our teacher was a kind and sweet girl. Her name was Lisa.
I was taking notes on my notebook. But, someone was looking at me. His hair was blonde and his eyes were sky blue. This made me feel uncomfortable . Why he is looking at me like this? This is weird. I heard the ring and went to cafeteria. I took a bagel and started to eat it. Then, looked at my time table. My second period was Gym. I started to walk to my class but bumped into someone. I looked at who I bumped. He said, "Oops, sorry for this." and helped me to stand up. I looked at him and saw his blue, fascinating eyes. He said, "What's your class?" I said, "Gym." He looked at me and smirked, "Mine is Gym, too." and added, "What's your name? "
I said, "Zelda." with a shy tone and added, "What is your name?" He said, "Link." I said, "Nice to meet you. I liked your name." and blushed a little. "Can you take me where Gym class is?" I said to Link and he grabbed my hand. I blushed madly. We went to class. But our teacher was ill and didn't come. So, I went to cafeteria.

After school, I was very tired. So, I went to my bedroom and lied on my bed, started to think about Link. "He is very kind and attractive. " I whispered myself. I felt weird. Wait, what is happening to me? Am I in a love with him? I'm not used to feel like this, what must I do? I heard a voice, "Hey, Zelda!" It was my twin brother, Sheik. I ran to downstairs and looked at his face. He was very tired and went to his room. He was a football player of our school and he had a practice today.
I started to prepare food for dinner.
Link's P.O.V:
I was a football player of Hyrule High School. So, I had a practice today. After it, I and my friends were walking to my house. They were going to stay with me at my home. Marth looked at me and said, "Link, Ike is going to kill you. You made him mad." Pit started to talk, "Link, your shoot was prefect! You scored a goal alone. I think he is very jealous of you." I looked at him and smirked, "Everyone is not like you." Roy laughed and said, "Can I ask a question?" I said "Yes." and he started to talk, "I saw you and the new girl. You and she were hand-in-hand. Is there something that you're hiding from us?" I looked at him and never stopped... Until we arrived my home.

Marth's P.O.V:
Roy asked a question to Link. Link didn't answer, but a little blushed. This was a first. When he blushed, I realized that he had got a crush on new girl.
At his home, Roy, Pit and Link went to their rooms. But I started to make a plan. This plan was very interesting. But I wasn't able to do it alone. So, I went to Roy's room. He was sleeping until I came in and tickle him. He woke up, "What's going on? " I started to told him what my plan was. His eyes widened and started to smirk, "Prefect plan. Okay, I'll help you. "

I and Roy went to Marth's room. He was reading book. When he saw us, "What are you doing here? " he said. We told him and he shouted, "WHAT THE HELL ABOUT US?!" Then Link entered the room and raised a brow, "Okay, what's going on?" We looked at each other's face and said, "Nothing!" But Link didn't believe this "We'll talk about this at dinner." he said and left.

Next chapter is coming soon.

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