"Night Sarah. Just gonna grab my things. Kimba squeezed some of my stuff in her bag."

  "Okies!" Sarah hiccuped walking to her room bouncing along the corridor walls as she went.

  Once safely inside Kimberley's room Cheryl enveloped her in her arms. Inhaling the scent of her hair she turned her head to softly kiss her cheek. Kissing her earlobe and gently rubbing her back Cheryl whispered in her ear.

  "Night baby, I love you."

  Kim groaned." Can't you stay?" she pouted.

  "I can't, what if Sarah comes in?"

  "I don't care if she does..."

  "I do. Anyway its almost 4am Kimba, its only a few hours. just get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning."

  Throwing herself backwards onto the bed Kim stared at the ceiling and sighed heavily.

  "Yeah...only a few hours."

  "Night babes." Cheryl whispered, blowing her a kiss and closing the door quietly.


  Kimberley had only been in bed for 20 minutes but it felt like much longer. Confidence boosted by her alcohol consumption she climbed out of bed and crept out on to the landing. Tiptoeing across towards Cheryl's door she became aware that she was unintentionally holding her breath. Exhaling slowly she gently pushed back the door, revealing Cheryl's tiny form, long hair fanned out against the pillow. The thin sheet was pulled up to waist height, the shape of Cheryl's legs and hips clearly visable. She was asleep on her back, one arm outstretched by her side, the other hand resting on the pillow by her cheek.

  Kimberley stepped closer coming to the end of the bed, watching Cheryl's chest rise and fall peacefully through the thin fabric of her vest top. Her stomach was exposed where the fabric had ridden up in her sleep.

  Giggling drunkenly to herself Kimberley began to remove her pyjamas, dropping them in a heap at the foot of the bed. She crouched down, lifting the bottom of the sheet and ducked her head underneath, crawling into the warm comfort of Cheryl's bed.

  Stroking her lower legs Kimberley slowly made her way up Cheryl's body, leaving a trail of tiny kisses as she went. Reaching the back of her knee Kim suckled gently, reaching a hand up to gently rub her hip.

  Stirring, Cheryl stretched, feeling something on her hip she instinctively reached down to push it away. Kim caught her hand, kissing her palm, slipping her index finger into her mouth, sucking as she withdrew it.

  "Kimba..." Cheryl whispered with a smile, moving her hand to find the girls face, gently stroking her cheek.

  Kissing her hip Kim repositioned her body between the geordies legs, laying slightly to one side, Cheryl's thigh tucked under her armpit as her elbow took her weight.

  She kissed along the elastic of her underwear, occasionally nipping with her teeth, releasing the fabric as it quietly snapped back against her toned body. Her hand traced patterns up and down Cheryl's inner thigh, every now and then brushing against the material of her knickers. Cheryl's breathing quickened and she arched her back subconciously pushing herself nearer to the source of her pleasure.

  Kimberley sat back no her knees, causing the sheet to fall softly onto the floor. Kim stared at Cheryl, her eyes filled with lust and desire as she silently begged her to continue. Hooking her fingers into the elastic of her underwear Kim slowly removed them. She kissed the inside of her thigh, both hands running along her outer thighs, nibbling and licking upwards.

  Feeling Kim's warm breath between her legs drove Cheryl wild. Moaning quietly she twisted her fingers through the girls hair pulling her closer to where she needed her most. Kimberley licked her slowly, with long deliberate strokes as she felt her scalp tighten, Cheryl's fists tightening in her hair. She began to circle her tongue around has clit, pausing every now and then to suck gently, feeling her swell in her lips as her arousal grew.

  Plunging her fingers deep inside her Kim was amazed at how wet she had become. She pumped her fingers faster and faster, deeper and deeper, feeling her muscles tighten, gripping around her fingers.

  Cheryl moaned, curling the pillow upward into her face, biting down on it to stifle the noise. Feeling her body begin to buck Kim eased the pressure of her tongue, continuing to lick and kiss her lover as she rode out her orgasm. KIssing her way up her body, looking up as she reached the hem of her vest Kim smiled at Cheryl. Her eyelids half closed, cheeks flushed, strands of hair clinging to her damp forehead Cheryl pulled Kimberley into her, kissing her passionately. She tasted herself on Kim's lips and felt between her legs throb once more. Kimberley dropped to her side, lifting her girlfriends arm and pulling it, wrapping it tightly around her neck as she snuggled into the crook of Cheryl's armpit.

  Sighing with satisfaction Cheryl lovingly kissed the top of her head, closing her eyes as she slipped into a peaceful slumber.

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