#22 Putting your child to sleep!

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-Putting your child to sleep

Harry: Harry couldn't help but smile as your son let out the tiniest giggle as he cuddled up beside him. It's been a so to say ritual for Harry to read your son a story every night before bed, and tonight was no different. With Adam's little spiderman light giving just enough light to read Harry quietly whispers the words down to the little boy who is straining to look up at the pictures. Not long after Harry flips through a few pages he glances down to find the little boy sleeping soundly with a small smile on his face. Harry carefully shifts from under him, tucks him into the spiderman duvet, plants a short kiss on his forehead and walks out of the room with a grin.

Liam: Your three-year-old Jessica laughs as Liam picks her up to place her on her princess themed bed. The light is dimmed in the room and the only thing lighting the room is yet another princess themed item; a nightlight plugged in right beside her bed. "Sing for me?" She asks quietly scrambling to get under her covers which, this time, causes Liam to laugh. "Any request doll?" She softly lays her head on the pillow before shaking her head "Will you sing Little Things for me daddy?" Of course, Liam expected this, ever since she heard the song from her father she fell in love. So Liam sings and not long after she's floating in and out of consciousness. With a smile, Liam stands up whispers out an I love you and shuts the door behind him.

Louis: "Let's watch tangled daddy." Your daughter, Emma, bargins pulling her plain purple blanket back giving her access to get up. Louis, who can never say no to the five-year-old gives her a short head nod before getting up himself to hook up the dvd player. Within minutes of finding the movie for her father she's back in her bed with a wide grin and stringy brown hair in her bright blue eyes. Louis smiles as he grabs the remote and plops back down with the younger in the room, his tan hand carefully pulls back the hair from her face before laughing and pulling her closer. It isn't 10 minutes into the movie and she's already asleep. But Louis stays, because the movie has honestly captured his attention. Typical.

Niall: Brandon, your newborn son, starts to whimper just as Niall is about to walk out of the room. So far, he'd been great at sleeping through the night. But on this night, Niall just knows that it's not going to go well. "Come here buddy," he coos bending down to lift up the little boy. "What's wrong? Do you want your pacifier?" Niall asks furrowing his eyebrows as Brandon continues to whimper. After exhausting all of the possible possibilities your husband finally just sits himself in the comfortable rocking chair near the window. After rocking for a moment with Brandon on his chest, the little boy finally starts to calm down and eventually falls asleep. And Niall does too which is very cute when you find them the next morning.

Zayn: "Come on, baby. Let's go lay down." Zayn calls to your four-year-old little girl. She smiles before standing up, straightening her sleeping gown and giving you a hug and kiss on the cheek. "Goodnight mommy." Aubrey whispers before rushing over to Zayn and giggling when he throws her up in his arms. When the pair make it to the bedroom Zayn carefully places her under her blankets, switches on her lamp and pulls a very large book from her dresser drawer. Zayn's mum had given her the book for her baby shower and ever since she was born that's all she went to sleep to. Zayn reads through another story, and another until finally he realizes his girl is asleep. With a smile he collects himself and walks out of the door and back into the living room with you.

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