#17 He forgets your birthday

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He forgets your birthday:

He totally forgot my birthday and i was sitting on the couch in my dress that i boutgh for the dinner i thought we would be having tonight. He hadn't called me or texted me. I sighed when i finally heard the front door and i tired Zayn walked inside, plumping down on the couch next to me. " hey babe " he said and closed his eyes, leaning his head on the couch. " Zayn, where were you? " i asked him and looked down at my hands. Zayn sat up and looked at me. " i was out with the boys. Why are you wearing that, oh shit " he said and facepalmed himself. He stood up and looked at me sadly. " i am so sorry baby. Please let me make it up to you tomorrow " he said and sat back down, taking my hands into his. " i've besn waiting all night. I was ready to go when the time got to seven but you didn't come " i said quietly, keeping my eyes down. Zayn sighed and kissed my forhead. " i promise you that i will make tomorrow the best day ever " he said and turned my face towards him, kissig me.

I ignored his calls. He forgott about my 18th birthday the day before and it was the second year in a row he did. I was not in the mood to talk to hi and even less see him. " Open the door (y/n) " i heard Harry shout from outside my front door. I walked up from the couch and stood infront of the door, not talking. " i know you're in there. I'm sorry okey? " he called and knocked harder on the door. " no Harry it's not okey. This is the second time " i shouted back. It went quiet for a while. " please, i wanna make it up to you. Please, i'm sorry. I know i'm an idiot. But i'm your idiot, your idiot who loves you " he called. I smiled weakly, almost impossible to stay mad at the boy outside. I opened the door and jumped in to his arms, placing my lips on his. " i'm sorry " he mummbled against my lips. " show me how sorry you are " i said and winked.

I was not planning to tell him about my birthday two days ago. He had to find out about it himself. At first i thought he would remember it the day after but now, it's been two days and he haven't said anything about it. " Liam, have you forgotten something the last couple of days? " i finally asked at night when we both climbed into bed. Liam wetn quiet and checked his phone. " no. Probably not something importen if i forgot it " he said and pecked my lips. I felt myself tearing up and i sat up straight. " so my birthday two days ago isn't importent? " i asked, the tears threatning to fall. Liam gasped and sat up. " oh my god babe " he said and facepalmed himself. I sighed and layed back down. " you have no idea how sorry i am princess " he said and huged me from behind. I shrugged my shoulders, keeping my back to him. " please talk to me. I'm a jerk " Liam said sadly. I turned around and sighed. " no you're not a jerk. But you own me something " i said and smiked. Liam smiled and pecked my lips. " a big fat cake " i said and started laughing. " you can hve as many as you want " he replied smiling and kissed me.

I placed my new bracelate on that my mother got me for my birthday. I wonderd what Niall would sat about the bracelet sense he forgot about me. I slipped my shirt on and placed my hair in a bun on the top of my head and walked out to the kitchen where Niall were having breakfast. I sat down infront of him and didn't say anything. " wow, that's beautiful. " Niall said and pointed towards the bracelet. I nodded and took a bite of my breakfast. " got it from my mom for my birthday yesterday " i replied while staring at Niall to see his expression. First he just nodded and smiled, but the the smile disapeard and a schooked expression came over him. " something wrong? " i asked and played dumb. " i'm an idiot. I'm sorry, i'm so so sorry. " he said and hurried over to the seat next to me. He burried his head in the crock of my neck while mummbling i'm sorry over and over again. I chuckled and pulled his head up, kissing his lips. " i'm waiting for a big present when u get home for this " i said and winked. Niall smiled. " i'll find something really nice at the mall today " Niall said and pecked my lips. " well Niall, i meant something else that's big " i said and winked, biting my bottom lip.

I wasn't even angry or sad about it. I knew how much he had going on at the moment with the new album and all. Louis was acting weird all night but i decided to ignore it, letting him come to me if he needed to talk. Louis moved closer to me and huged me, burried his head in the crock of my neck. " Louis " i giggled and tried pushing him away but he was holding me to tight. " can you forgive me? " he mummbled. " for what? " i asked knowing the answer. " for forgetting my hot girlfriends birthday. Oh i'm so selfish " he sighed and sat up straight and looked into my eyes. I chuckled and rubbed his cheek. " you're not selfish for doing what you love, and that is singing. It's okey baby, i promise " i replied and smiled. Louis took a derp breath and tackled me down to the couch, holding my hands above my head. He pecked my lips. " i'll make it up to you tomorrow, i promise " he said and smiled.

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