Chapter Twenty Five

Comenzar desde el principio

I stir lightly in sleep when I hear some sounds near me, more like two people whispering. And then I feel myself getting picked up from wherever I'm sleeping. I'm too heavy to respond, though. When my nose gets the familiar scent of expensive cologne and fresh clothes and slight mint, I turn to the hard and familiar chest and breathe in.

"Go to sleep, baby. It's late," Andrew says when he sees I'm stirring more than usual. He puts me down on the mattress and then kisses my forehead very sweetly. I want to stay awake, I want to see his face and look at him, but I can't. I can sense him, though sitting next to me and staring at me. I can feel his hot gaze upon me. But soon the presence next to me disappears and I feel him leave the room. As he closes the door, I feel myself drifting to sleep with the disappointment of him leaving me.

I wake up with a jolt in my sleep, falling down off the cliff while I hear the voice 'I'll burn you,' I can't help but think about what exactly had happened last night that makes me be here today, sleeping in Andrew's bed, I mean our bed.

I clutch to my head as a headache makes me almost scream. The hangover is indeed a bad thing. Although I have said and said multiple times not to drink, I seem to always find a way to forget what needs to be remembered.

Getting up slowly, I try to lose my unconsciousness due to a tedious headache. My head is getting exploded and my veins are pumping out of my skin. Grabbing both sides of the mattress tight so I won't fall, my toes touch the floor. After all of the hassle and bustle, I stand up.

Only then, I realize my clothes from last night are off of me and it left me with my bra and panties. What happened last night, damn it? Did Andrew do this? Oh, my god, I hope I haven't said anything stupid, since I know when I get drunk I could say the stupidest thing that no one can control me.

I need to find Andrew first thing first. I look around trying to find a T-shirt or at least a piece of clothing, but there is nothing but an empty room. I enter the bathroom and do my work before staring at my reflection in the mirror. Before a girl is standing, half naked, baggy eyes and nasty hair. I look dreadful.

Fortunately, I find a bathrobe. I wear it gladly and tie the knot securely. Having the last look at my reflection in the mirror, I make my way to the downstairs.

"Sir, do you like your coffee now? Or you want it in your office?" the sound of a woman in his early forty can be heard from the kitchen. Turning the corner, I see Andrew, who is sitting on the breakfast stool with a newspaper in his hand while Pamela serves him eggs and bacon. At the sight of me, Pamela beams happily, "oh, hi my dear. Did you sleep well last night?"

Only when she notices me, Andrew turns to me and looks at me up and down, an amusement in his eye from me being almost naked underneath the bathrobe. His ridiculous smirk is bound to be wiped. I narrow my eyes at him before taking my seat next to him.

"I think she has indeed a good sleep, didn't you Laura?" he looks at me with those smoky innocent eyes, while his hand makes its way up to my inner thighs under the bathrobe. Pamela cannot see the commotion under the table as she's busy doing whatever she does. I look over at him and glare before slapping his hand.

"Yes, I think I had," I reply as the same as his playful tone.

"Oh dear, you have no idea how happy I was when I heard from Mr. Martinez you are here." She finally turns toward us and smiles. "Coffee or tea?"

"Coffee, thank you," I reply.

Pamela turns back to making coffee for me, while Andrew pretends to read the newspaper while his hand is torturing me under the table. Although I slap his hand over and over just so I can stop him from reaching upper, he finds a way again to restrain me with his large big hand that seems to be stronger than a stone.

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