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Aries: Organises notes as excitedly as possible, doesn't do anything with them at all

Taurus: So much comfort food and so many open textbooks

Gemini: Verbal. Lots of yelling/reciting and associative jokes/mnemonics

Cancer: Avoids it literally until it is no longer possible

Leo: Confused paper-shuffling and trying to memorise flash cards

Virgo: Actually studies and does well

Libra: No. Just no.

Scorpio: Studying = plotting ways to avoid school

Sagittarius: Blindly crams information into their brains - somehow works every time

Capricorn: Really intense staring. Introspective questions

Aquarius: Obsessive organisation, highlighting and outlining

Pisces: Doesn't study.

A/N: Slightly altered, originally from ironiczodiac via Tumblr

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