Loved From Afar chapter 15

Start from the beginning

I shook my head.

"Because I'd rather wait for you million years than sleep with someone I don't care about. The mere act of holding your hand, or kissing you, or being near you gives me more pleasure than bedding hundreds of women."

I felt a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, but I took a deep breath and pointed behind me with my thumb. "You did all this?"


"For me?"


A second later, I was pulled into his arms and held tight, so tight, I could hardly breathe. "I need you." Erik whispered low and fierce into my hair. "Now!"

I reached out and pulled his face to mine. "I'm yours."

Erik's POV

Three hours later.

Damn, damn, damn!

Time had gotten away from me. I needed to accomplish few things like scoring essays and doing a little planning for the upcoming week; however I was completely content lying in bed with Ana. For the past few hours, I held her to my side until I forgot everything, my work included.

I hardly slept; as soon as my eyes closed I was awoken by Ana's phone. Her mom called her again and again, but I couldn't pick it up for obvious reasons, so I carried it to the living-room and turned it off. Then I went back to the bed and tried to maybe dose off for a little while, but I was hopeless, because a minute later Ana started moaning and turning in her sleep. She was restless and hot. I tried to ease her, but she grabbed my arm and suddenly screamed. I stared at her dumbly, not knowing what was going on. Holding her shoulders down, I called her name, "Ana!"

However she thrashed and shook her head from side to side. Then without another warning, she tightened her grip and arched her body half way off the bed. A cry spilled from her lips, it sounded pained and blissful all at once, and then she collapsed with a last tremble and curled her body against me. I stared at her in shock before the realization she was probably having a wild wet dream settled in. Relaxing a bit, I lay my head next to her and smiled, wondering if I was in her dream. I badly wanted to know what she was dreaming about."It must be good!" I thought.

Looking down at her, my gaze fell on the content smile she wore on her pink, plumped lips. She looked happy and safe, just the way I wanted her to be. Slowly I traced my fingertip over her delicate nose. She murmured in her sleep and burrowed deeper against my side. I chuckled softly, careful not to wake her. After the wet dream she had, she needed to conserve her energy.  I brushed a strand of hair from her temple and placed a gentle kiss on her head before I rolled out of bed to do something.

 First, I needed a long cold shower before I sat down to grade papers. Walking to my closet, I grabbed the closest shirt and boxers I could see and headed out. At the door, I paused to make sure I had not disturbed my woman. Her eyes remained closed, lashes casting shadows over her rose-colored cheeks; the perfect picture of a content angel.

Ana's POV

I don't know how long I slept, but when I woke up nothing seemed familiar. For a second I panicked then suddenly memories and recognition of where I was and with whom flooded back into my head and I relaxed. Closing my eyes, I smiled. That was one of the best dreams I ever had! It felt so real and vivid. The way he made me feel was incredible. Every moan and shudder seemed to connect me to him.

"I was about to wake you up, but you beat me to it."

Yawning, I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and looked at Erik. "Hey."

Loved From Afar (On hold. Please wait for me. I will be back.)Where stories live. Discover now