The SacconeJolys Visit

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Georgia woke up to a loud knock at the door, she moaned, and put a pillow over her head, it's 9:30am, too early! She heard a strong Irish accent and froze, could it be?! Then a second one. Georgia threw herself down 3 flights of stairs and sprinted into the kitchen, knocking Emilia off her feet, Emilia started to cry then so did Eduardo. "I'm so sorry Emilia! Im Georgia I'm a big friend I have watched for 3 years and I love you so much I never thought I would meet you!" Jonathan and Anna looked at each other in shock, Mrs May looked very confused. "You now these people?" Said Mrs May, concerned, "yes! It's the SacconeJolys! There vloggers!" Said Georgia, pleased, "thanks for watching our videos" said Jonathan, uncertainly.

Evie's YouTube Life/part 1/by Georgia CaddenWhere stories live. Discover now