Chapter 13: Suspicion turns into Reality!

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      The wonderlandians were by the tree hanging out. Headmistress Grimm was walking around watching. But she was mostly watching the wonderlandians. The wonderlandians are having a good time, as usual. But all of a sudden they're starting to get the same weird feeling, like something's wrong. Amanda turned her head around. She saw the new headmistress. "Is everything okay?" Kendra asked. "I.... I don't know." Amanda responded. Amanda turned her head back around. "Something just feels...." Amanda started. "Off?" Alan asked. "Yeah." Amanda replied. "I think we all feel it." Alan stated. "What could this feeling be?" Kimberly asked and everyone shrugged. "If I had to take a guess I'm guessing it's some kind of evil." Tom suggested. "Yeah. We are the chosen ones after all." Ted agreed. "But who is this evil?" Mandi asked. Amanda turned her head to see Headmistress Grimm again. Then she looked back at her friends. "Isn't funny how Headmaster Grimm all if a sudden just.... Left without saying anything. Then all of a sudden his cousin is here and she starts taking over." Amanda explained. "Do you think?" Alan asked. "Could she be evil?" Mandi asked. "If she is then something bad happened to Headmaster Grimm." Kimberly added. "But what?" Tom asked. "We don't know." Amanda stated. "But we have to find out." Kendra stated. "How will we figure it out?" Ted asked. "By searching and examining stuff." Amanda replied. "But.... Headmistress Grimm can't know we're on to her." Amanda added. Everyone nodded in agreement.
It's the middle of the night and everyone's asleep, well, everyone but the wonderlandians. They all went to the headmistresses office. Mandi dug into her pocket and grabbed her hair pin. Mandi unlocked the door and creaked it open to make sure no one was in there. Mandi motioned for them to follow. She opened the door and then everyone went in and Mandi closed the door after everyone.
They were all looking around to find anything suspicious, but they didn't. Amanda got in her computer. "Crap. I need a password." Amanda stated. "Our parents taught us how to get through that a long time ago but we all forgot." Alan stated. "Let me see." Mandi stated. Amanda got up and Mandi sat down. Mandi started typing on the computer really fast. Things were popping up and then disappearing. Then, before they knew it, they were. "Amazing!" Kimberly exclaimed and Mandi smiled. "You're incredible!" Alan exclaimed. Alan couldn't believe he just said that. Mandi smiled and blushed. It got awkward. Amanda sat back down and started looking at stuff. Amanda pulled up a file called secret. Amanda started reading it and gasped. "What is it?" Ted asked. "It says that Ashley's little plan.... She's going to change it around." Amanda responded. "What does that mean?" Tom asked. "She's going to turn everyone against one another. Even more then they already are." Amanda replied. Everyone gasped. "But...." Kendra started. "She feels as we're a threat because of our prophecy." Amanda added. "What will she do?" Kimberly asked. "Doesn't say." Amanda replied and they all sighed. "But...." Amanda stated. There was a moment of silence. "What!?" Mandi asked. "She also feels like Ashley's a threat because of this project she's working on." Amanda explained. They all gasped again. "We have to find her and worn her." Ted stated. "Let's go." Tom agreed.
        Amanda got off of her computer and they were about to leave when Headmistress Grimm walked. She closed and locked the door behind her. Then she used her power of telekinesis to make them fly back into the wall. The last thing they all remember seeing is the Headmistress laughing at them and then.... It went all black.

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