Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

At school the next day, Clark found himself looking at Chloe a lot more closely than he had before.

The grown up Chloe was very self assured, self confident, imposing even, qualities he'd noticed in his Chloe but had never really paid attention to.

He also noticed that the younger Chloe smiled a lot more than her older self.

"Clark, stop staring at me," she told him over lunch. "You're making me self conscious."

"I'm sorry, I just... I feel like I'm seeing you through different eyes."

Chloe couldn't help but grin. Pete rolled his eyes and mumbled something about getting a room.

Chloe and Clark tried not to laugh.

Knowing how easy it was to talk to the older Chloe, a part of Clark wanted to pull the younger one aside and tell her everything but he knew better after the warning the older Chloe had given him last night.

When the final bell rang he left promptly and once out of sight of anyone, he super-sped home.

He found Chloe sitting at the dining room table, working on his laptop again.


Chloe smiled as she saw him. "Hey. Good day?"

"Not bad," he dropped his bag to the floor. "You ready to go?"

"Someone's eager."

Clark shrugged. "It's nice to be able to show off."

"Okay," Chloe grinned and stood up. "Let's go then."

Clark saw that she had the same pants on as last night but had coupled them with one of his Mom's shirts today.

"Has black gone out of style?" he teased.

"Oh, black is so last night," she said in her best valley girl impression as she followed him out to the porch.

Clark lifted her into his arms and grinned.


Chloe nodded. The next thing she knew the wind was whipping her hair off her face and the scenery was a blur. Usually Chloe wasn't even aware of the speed when Clark moved like this, they just suddenly appeared somewhere else. It was nice to actually feel that she was travelling for a change.

A few minutes later, Clark was setting her back on her feet outside the science block of Met U.

"Door to door service," she said. "Do you mind waiting here for me?"

Clark clearly thought he'd be accompanying her.


Chloe stopped to consider for a moment. She was so used to keeping secrets these days that it just came as second nature to do things on her own then decide what to share. She hadn't been like that when she was 16, she, Clark and Pete had shared in every mystery together back then. Okay, maybe Clark and Pete left her out of some mysteries but she now knew why.

"Okay, come on."

They found Dr Minden in his office. Chloe knocked on the open door and entered.

"Doctor Minden, I'm Chloe Sullivan, we spoke on the phone earlier."

"Ah, yes, the author. Please, come in. Sit. Can I get you something to drink?"

"No, we're fine, thank you. Doctor Minden, this is my friend, Clark."

The doctor nodded to him.

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice." Chloe began.

"Not a problem. It's not every day I get to participate in a creative process."

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