Chapter 1: Liam

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If I could trace back all my misgivings to one day, it'd be to the day of the Forester BBQ. The day I realized I was going to hell.

I was never very religious although my parents are practically zealots about church. They prayed about everything, were always the first people to show up to church on Sundays, and made sure they sat in the front row in the pastor's direct view. I, on the other hand, preferred the back and was usually the first one to leave. There was just something about God that intimidated me.

I was never privileged with much of a social life and I blame that solely on the fact that no one really knew I existed (it's pretty hard to make friends when you're invisible). Plus my parents, being judgmental freaks, didn't trust anyone hanging out with me out of fear that I'll get corrupted. But what they didn't know was that I was already headed on a road of no return.

It all started on Fellowship Friends. I had a membership to that lame Christian pen pal site only because the youth from our church had to sign up for it. No one used it, as it was quite pointless and a complete waste of time. But out of boredom one night, I logged in, entered into the chat roulette, and was assigned to a pen pal. That's when I met Kelly. I had originally thought it was a girl, but to my surprise a male icon showed up.

Kelly: hey! R u new?

Me: Basically, I've never used this account before.

Kelly: I'm on here all the time. My church counselor said its a great place to kill time.

Me: really? wow. My church made all the youth register. I got bored so I decided it wouldn't kill me to check it out.

Kelly: Man, I cant stand my church! everyone is so prissy and the people in the front row kiss the Preachers ass

Me: lol! My parents are those type of people!

And our conversation continued on like that for hours and I have never felt so comfortable talking to someone. All I could think about was how I was finally able to meet someone with similar interest and views. I had made my first real friend.

I never really paid much attention to girls. Matter of fact, I find that my eyes linger more on other males. I have always tried to overlook that fact by saying that the ladies were all too busy drooling after guys like Nathan Reese. Not that I blame them. Nathan was perfect in all ways. Smart, nice, and handsome. Quiet guys like me just get overlooked. I mean, I am not ugly- at least I don't think I am. I had shaggy black hair and blue-gray eyes. I used to be a bit on the pudgy side, but I lost a lot of weight since my early high school years and I was in pretty good shape. I didn't care that girls didn't fall at my feet or notice me. I liked just slipping through the cracks of existence. In a place like Forester, I find it best to be out of the spotlight. Less people judge you that way.

Kelly was special. Every night we would chat on Fellowship Friends and have the most amazing conversations. He made me laugh and even when I was in a bad mood, he'd find a way to make me smile. We talked every night for almost five months. We shared a connection that was just undeniable. A connection that seemed to run deeper than simple friendship.

I always went by unnoticed by the townspeople and my parents. But Kelly seemed to genuinely care for me. And even though he was miles away, he knew me better than anyone. He understood my struggles when it came to girls. He too had problems with getting attracted to them. We ignored looking too deeply into it though, out of the fear to where our observations would lead us.

Even though I had never met him, I knew I was no longer alone. He was there for me. Kelly lived in Peeksville, which was only an hour away from Forester. We were so close.

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