"Alright. Thank you so much bro." I smiled as we do our handshake.

"Hey, if you need anything else, I'm just a phone call away." He said as I nodded my head in response.

"See ya." I waved goodbye turning back to my reflection on the pool.

*Isabella Murray*

"Bella, stop moping around and get to school." Sally commanded pulling me away from my bed. No, My bed! She pushed me towards the bathroom and shut the door behind.

I groaned and looked at my reflection on the mirror. I looked horrible! I looked like a ghost honestly. Pale skin, dull eyes, and messed up hair. I let out a sigh and took a long shower.

Ever since my last encounter with Logan last week, I'd started to act this way. Like I didn't even care about the world anymore. I didn't eat anything at all and I barely sleep at night. And to make things worse, my grades were starting to go down which was not good for a scholar student. I knew I had to keep my head in the game no matter what and that's what I'm going to do. I just have to forget about Logan and erase him in my life.

After my long shower, I brushed my teeth and grabbed some random shirt and jeans from my drawer. Then, I blow dried my hair putting it in a messy bun. I didn't really care what I looked like anymore. Like it actually matters.

I grabbed some socks and wore my sneakers. Then, I took my bag and my keys from my study table and went outside grabbing my jacket in process.

As I got to school, I made my way to my locker and shoved the binders and books I needed for the early half of the day and shoved my books that I needed for the afternoon.

Logan haven't been to school for almost two weeks now. It wasn't like I was complaining. In fact, I didn't even want to see him because he just reminds me of how much he had hurt me. I was relieve that I haven't seen him since our last encounter but I was also upset because I miss him. I guess this is it for us.

As I shut my locker close, I was startled when a voice echoed through the hall. The hallway was lull and I was the only one left because I came a little later.

"Isa." The voice said softly and tiredly. I knew exactly who it was. I didn't want to look at him and meet his eyes so I pretended to be busy arranging my books and binders in my bag. "Isa." He said once more.

"What do you want? And why are you talking to me?" I coldly said.

"Can we please talk?" He asked taking a step forward closer to me.

"What's there to talk about?" I bluntly said hitching the strap of my bag on my shoulder.

"Isa please, just let me explain." He pleaded.

"Explain what?" I nearly shouted looking up at him. That wasn't a very smart idea because I completely regretted looking at him. He looked horrible. He looked worse than me, honestly. His hair was sticking up, his blue eyes were not sparkling like it usually does, and he looked so defeated I just wanted to run up to him and give him a hug.

"Isa, please just give me a chance to explain everything to you." He begged.

"Just go Logan. I don't want to talk about it." I told him. I really wanted to hear him out but I knew better than that. After he explains everything to me and everything becomes perfect, he will always find a way to hurt me again.

"Isa, just let me explain everything to you." This time he said it with more force. He moved much more closer to me.

"I said I don't want to hear it."

"If you're going to be stubborn, fine, then so will I." He announced moving even closer closing the gap between us.

"Logan move!" I commanded.

"No! Not unless you listen to me."

"Leave me alone, Logan. Just move!"

"And what if I don't?" He raised an eyebrow an evil smirk plastered on his face.

"Just. Leave. Me. Alone!" I ordered pushing him away but he didn't seem to budged. Instead of backing off, he only moved closer pinning my tiny body between his body and the locker. I swallowed the lump that was forming in my throat and stared at the ground.

His hot breath fanned my nose bringing tingling sensation to my body.

He brought his lips near my ear and whispered, "Make me." He nibbled on my earlobe making the goosebumps on my neck rise. He began to trailed kisses to my jaw line, then to my collar bone and back to my neck 'til he found my soft spot making me moan. He pulled away looking me with those intense, blue eyes and a smirk formed on his lips. "Doesn't seem like you want me to leave.

There was a silent moment between us and I saw the smirk on his face turned into a frown as he stared at me intently. I gazed at my hands like it was the most intriguing thing in the world.

"I'm so sorry, Isa. I never wanted to hurt you. I have a very mess up life and the last thing I need is you ignoring me. You have no idea how much I love you." He explained lifting my chin up in process.

"Please, just give me another chance. Let me explain everything to you. Let me tell you the real reason why I'm marrying Rosalie. I never wanted any of this, Isa. Please, just hear me out." He pleaded holding my hand tightly. I gazed into his blue eyes and sincerity, love, and hurt flashed through his eyes. I never notice how defeated he really looked and how much I wanted to comfort him.

The next thing that happened melted my heart though. I saw a tear slid down his right cheek. This guy was crying all because of me, because he wanted a second chance. I resisted to wipe his tear away but I did any way. I brought my left hand to his cheek and wiped the tear away with my thumb. I cupped his cheek with my hand and he put his hand over mine making circle patterns with his thumb.

"Can you please give me another chance?" He whispered with pleading eyes. Who am I kidding? I can never stay mad at this guy no matter how many times he keeps hurting me. Now, I finally realized that I don't only love this guy. I was in love with him. I was crazily in love with him!

Instead of answering his question, I only did the one thing that I knew would answer his question. I pulled him closer as my lips crushed into his. I could feel the passion in our kiss and how much we needed it. I felt like we were the only ones in the earth. This guy can really help me forget about all my problems.

At that perfect moment, I knew I was ready to listen to him and to give him a second chance that he deserved.

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