"Mr. Wolf, I need this job."

"I'm sorry, I fail to see how that's my problem."

"You know I can't afford my apartment without this salary."

He stalked across the parking lot, his steps long and quick, she had to practically jog to keep up with him.

"How can you be this heartless?" She asked.

"Me? Heartless?"

He stopped abruptly and she almost walked into his back, he spun around towering over her but she refused to shrink away from him.

"I went and picked up your kid and paid for a bracelet she tried to steal, I gave you a good job, I work on your car for free, I helped you find a babysitter, I made you one of the club and I left you sleep in my bed. I've been nothing but generous to you."

"You may have given me a job but you hold it over my head constantly, you treat me like part of the club even though I've begged you not to make me show up at these functions and I was tired from a party you forced me to attend. If you're that upset over Iris I'll pay you back for the damn bracelet."

"With what money?"

She opened her mouth about to protest some more, or say something offensive when he heard the SUVs roar down the street. From then on everything seemed to happen in slow motion. The windows in the back rolled down and he saw the glint of the gun.

Before Morgan even realized she was in danger he tackled her onto the asphalt. He landed on top of her and used the momentum to roll them both behind a dumpster just as the gunshots rang out. She let out a scream of pure terror and clung to his body, he covered her head with his hands and held her close behind the dumpster. The ricocheting bullets rang off the building and all the cars and he wished he could shoot back, but didn't want to leave her side.

"Who is it?!" She cried.

"I don't know, it's alright!" He called back over the guns.

He heard the gunfire stop and the SUVs pulled away with a screech of their tires, as soon as he heard them stop firing he shot to his feet. He pulled out his own gun and began firing back, he hit the second vehicle, shattering the back glass but the cars both goth away. When he turned around Morgan was pushing to her feet, she gripped the dumpster for support and she was shaking, her face pale.

"Are you alright?" He asked, instantly flooded with concern he took her in his arms.

"I....I....think so, are you?"

"I'm fine."

He suddenly forgot why they were fighting as he examined every inch of her to make sure she wasn't hit. Her hands had somehow found their way to his chest and she was gripping his t-shirt in her fists. His hands slid into her hair, forcing her head to tip so he could examine her face. She had a cut on her left cheek and a small scratch above her right eyebrow.

"Are you sure you're okay?" He asked.

"Yes, I'm just a little shook up."

She finally met his gaze and for the first time since they'd met he saw something other than distaste in them. He swallowed passed the lump in his throat and gently brought her body against his, she didn't fight him.

Before he could talk himself out of whatever the hell he was thinking he dipped his head towards hers, surprised when she didn't pull away. Her lips parted, eager to meet his and a second before they did he heard a small voice behind him.


He sighed and let his head drop, releasing Morgan to turn around. When he did his heart dropped instantly.

Iris was standing a few feet away, her small face was pale and she was wobbly on her feet. Already there was a large dark red stain forming on her shirt. She had tears in her eyes.

"Mommy....."She reached for Morgan.

Her tiny knees gave out just as Morgan and Wolf rushed forward. He caught her small body in his arms a second before she hit the ground as he dropped to his knees. Morgan fell to her knees beside him, she tore Iris from his arms and crushed her against her body.


The little girls held fell back in her mothers arms, eyes closed and skin like alabaster.

"Bring the van now!" Wolf yelled.

Lacy came rushing from the clubhouse already in tears, Zeke and Ty right behind her. Demon ran for a van as the other three reached Morgan.

"I went for a drink and she was playing with the dog!" Lacy cried touching the girls hairs.

Morgan had taken to rocking back and forth, she couldn't be consoled and Wolf didn't blame her. The wound was near Iris heart and already her clothes were soaked.

The van screeched to a halt beside them and Wolf moved towards Morgan, she backed away gripping Iris.

"Let me help, please, let me help her!" He yelled.

As if sensing he meant well, Morgan handed Iris over with shaking hands and he lifted the girl into the van. He settled onto the seat, holding her in his lap and keeping his hands pressed over where he assumed the wound was.

Iris and Zeke pulled Morgan into the van and Ty jumped up front, in seconds they were speeding down the street to the hospital. Demon was yelling and Ty was barking directions. Zeke and Lacy each held Morgan in their arms and spoke gently to her while she screamed like a woman being tortured and wept for her child. Wolf felt tears choke up his own throat, Iris remained still and silent.

Lone Wolf *The Animals MC book one*Where stories live. Discover now