The girl who cried wolf: Chapter Thirteen

Start from the beginning

Faith and I just looked at each and burst out into laughter, before wrapping our arms around Tyler giving him a big bear hug.

     “Oh what’s wrong Tyler, we still love you.” We both said squeezing him tighter as he tried to escape.

     “Yuk. Get off me you psychos!” he said as he tried to wriggle away.

Suddenly I felt a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist, sending tingles throughout my body, pulling me away from Tyler.

     “Come ladies let the boy have some space.” Luca said from behind me.

     “Hey I’m a man, not a boy and I had the situations under control thank you very much.” Tyler snapped.

      “I’m sorry my bad.” Luca apologised, smirking a little bit.

     “God someone has really got their boxers in a twist today.” Faith said chuckling slightly.

     “Maybe it’s just his time of the month.” I said.

Both Faith and Luca burst out into laughter, Tyler on the other was not amused.

     “That’s it!” he snapped as he came towards me.

I quickly went running off up the beach, laughing my head off, with Tyler hot on my heels. I quickly looked back and was relieved to see that Tyler was now laughing along with me. I knew he couldn’t stay annoyed with me for long. Just as I turned back around I ran into something rock solid, knocking me on my backside. I laid on the sand, still laughing my head off.

     “Here let me help you up.” I heard a voice say.

I wiped the tears from my eyes and pulled myself up onto my elbows. I was surprised to see Antonio stood topless in front of me. He had a smirk on his face as he held out his hand to me, to help me get up. After a moment I took his hand and he pulled me up.

     “Thanks.” I said as I steadied myself.

Within a split second Luca was inches away from Antonio growling loudly.

     “Get your hands off her!” Luca roared ferociously.

     “Get out of my face boy!” Antonio shouted back at him.

     “Don’t call me boy!” Luca shouted, stepping even closer.

I looked between the two of them, theirs eyes were turning amber with anger. I stepped back nervously as their bodies began to shake, afraid of what might happen next. As I watched them square up to each other something inside me pulled me towards them. To stepped forward and placed my hands on their chests.

     “Both of you stop it now!” I shouted, pushing them apart.

 As my hands touched them, they instantly calmed down. Their bodies stopped shaking and their eyes returned to their natural colour. They both looked over at me looking a little confusing.

     “How did you do that?” Antonio asked, looking at me strangely.

     “How did I do what?” I asked moving my hand off of his chest. “I haven’t done anything.” I continued.

     “You stopped me from phasing.” He said looking a little confused.

     “You stopped me too.” Luca added, pacing his hand on mine. “You’ve done it to me before; I just thought that you had a calming influence on me because you’re my mate. Obviously I can see now that that isn’t the case.”

     “What are you?” Antonio asked trying to look into my eyes.

     “I’m a Lycan just like you.” I replied taking a step back.

Tyler strolled up behind me and wrapped his arm over my shoulder.

     “Our Mia is special, she’s a half Lycan half human.” Tyler said grinning down at me.

I elbowed him in the ribs and pushed him off of me, Luca let out a low growl beside us.

       “So you’re the half breed I’ve heard stories about.” Antonio said looking surprised.

     “What stories?” Luca asked stepping in front of me slightly.

     “They were just rumours really about the existence of a half breed. What that might mean to our kind and what abilities they may have. The elders of our pack said it would be an abomination, that it would signal the end of our kind.” He said keeping his eyes on me.

Luca slipped his hand in my mine and gave it a little squeeze, sensing my fear. I couldn’t understand why anybody could think I was capable of bringing a whole species to extinction. I’m just a girl, I’m harmless.

     “Mia is not an abomination, she’s one of us!” Faith snapped as she strolled up towards us.

I was surprised to see Antonio look down at his feet; it was like he was a child who had just been told off. He didn’t seem to take much notice of anyone, except Faith.

     “I never said I agreed with them, I was just explaining to Luca what I had heard about half breeds.” Antonio replied quietly.

I had never seen anyone react to Faith like this, there was something about these two. After a long moment Tyler decided to break the tension.

     “So are we going to spend all day staring at each or are we going to have some fun?” he asked as he grabbed Faith and flung her over his shoulder.

I burst out into laughter as I watched him sprint off towards the water, with Faith protesting all the way.

     “You know what Mia I think he’s right.” Luca said with a mischievous grin on his face.

Before I could protest he had me over his shoulder and was running off towards the others. I could see Antonio following us slowly laughing to himself. As Luca started to run through the water it splashed up into my face.

     “Luca you’re getting me wet!” I shouted as the water became a little deeper.

     “You had no problem with that earlier!” he replied laughing to himself.

     “Luca shut up, Faith and Tyler might hear you.” I whispered slapping his backside.

     “Go on do that again, I like it when you’re rough with me.” he laughed making me blush even more.

      “Guys please; we really don’t need to know about your bedroom antics.” Faith shouted still over Tyler’s shoulder.

Suddenly Luca and Tyler came to stop and looked at each other; it was obvious they were planning something.

      “Ready?” Tyler said to Luca.

     “Ready!” Luca replied.

The next thing I knew faith and me were being chucked into the water. As we emerged from the water we looked at each other and started to plan our revenge.

     “What do you reckon, I take Tyler and you take Luca?” I heard her say.

     “I reckon if we work together ladies we could take them easily, they won’t see it coming.” A strange voice filled my head, which I soon realised was Antonio.

I looked over at Faith and a sly smile formed on her face. She had obviously agreed with Antonio’s plan.

     “3…2…1 charge.” I heard her shout.

We all started towards them, laughing as we did so. Luca and Tyler must have already figured out our plan and must have decided I was the weakest link. They grabbed hold of me and the water fight began. As we all started to calm down and our laughter dulled down we all looked at each. After a second or two Luca, Tyler and myself realised there were two of us were missing. As we looked around frantically we finally found them. Antonio and Faith were pressed against the rocks in each other’s arms kissing each other passionately. Our mouths fall open as we were shocked by what we were witnessing.

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