'Im doing fine'

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Hi I'm Rachel.
I'm moving to mars
Lol jk
No but in all seriousness I am moving, but not to Mars but somewhere equally as scary. Schools.
Before you yawn and walk away I'm moving from America to Australia, my mum and dad have serious work lives so we more around a lot. They said we would be in Australian permanently now, which was okay I guess. I was only in my last home Alabama, America for 4 months and before that I was in New York, the state not city. Moving around wasn't easy but it wasn't hard. It helped me mature into the 17 year old I am now. 1 week after I move to Australia I start school, luckily they start the new semester then and there will be more that just me as the new girl.

"Rachel what room do you want?" My mum asks, since I was the only child and they felt bad for moving me around, I got whatever room I wanted. I went for the attic, it was massive and was practically a whole floor to myself,. My parents took the basement and we turned the second floor into a living room and guest room. The kitchen and another living room was on the ground floor. Yes, our house is massive, my parents get a lot of money from their job and I'm grateful that I live a life with more that what I need.

-the next day-

My first sleep in my new room was okay I guess, it was still pretty empty, I only had one band poster up and my mini fridge hooked in that was slowly vibrating from the moving fan and cooler keeping my cola cool.

"Honey?" My dad dan yelled from outside my door, my dad was nice as well as my mum. They were very laid back and let be be who I wanted to be as long as I was safe(they say 1- do it 2- don't do it 3- don't do drugs) whenever they leave me for a business trip (at least once a month may I add).

"Yes?" I answer whipping on a hoody and answering the door.
"I transferred some money into your account, go buy your room some things. A dest, some drawers and some stuff for your bathroom. Anything it's so empty in here Rachel" my dad says, listing everything I should get.
"There is a furniture shop 3 roads away, left, left then a right. Take my car" I nod at my dad and go get ready to face a new town all over again.

I just put on some black ripped skinny jeans, a nirvana hoody and some back Converse. I let my brown long hair stay naturally wavy   and place on some basic makeup and grab my purse and head to my dad's car.

-in the shop-
"What the fuck is a 'Swiss wooded panel dresser'" I mumble to myself, reading the labels of the furniture, they all had
very fancy and hard to pronounce names.

"Need any help?" A low voice asks from beside me and I look it to see a young, brown haired boy. He had bright eyes and looked a bit Asian, but his Australian accent told me otherwise.

"Er yeh, I'm moving into my new house and I have no idea what to get" I say, stating the obvious.

"Is that an American accent I hear?" He asks and I nod, receiving a grin from...Calum? That's what it says on his tag.

"I'm Calum by the way" he says shaking up my hand

"I'm Rachel" I say shacking his hand back, I want to talk to him more, have at least one friend.

"What school do you go to?" I ask, hoping he says Jefferson high.

"Jefferson high, you starting there?" He asks, raising his eyebrows at me

"Yeh, that's my new school" I smile, knowing that I will have one person to talk to

"That's so cool! I'll meet you for lunch, my can sit on a table with me and my band mates and Stacey"
I just nod in agreement and flash him a grin.

"Yeh that would be really nice, thanks"


My first day at my new school came by really quick, that day I met Calum we exchanged numbers and texted all week. He is such a good friend to have, I just hope his band mates like me.

I drive up to school in the new car my dad got me (another guilt gift) and walk through the entrance, almost strait away I see Calum and walk over to him, obviously he could see my panic.

"Don't worry, people are nice here, we are gonna meet my band mates at lunch. Okay...where is your time table?"
I hand Calum my time table and he scans it grinning.

"Looks like we have every lesson together other than math" he says grinning handing me my timetable back. I silently thanked The Lord I wouldn't be a loner. I didn't have math with him, Probably because I'm in advanced, I am not sure why, I just like numbers I guess?

My first three periods fly by and now it's lunch, Calum guides me to 'the table of awesomeness' and let's me take a seat between him and a blue haired boy.

"Hellllooo, you must be Rachel" the blue haired boy says, taking me in for a hug.

"Yeh, and you are?-"

"Michael- but you can call me mikey" he says looking at me with bright eyes

I look opposite me to see a curly haired boy with a bandana in his hair, we introduce ourselves and after ten minutes of talking I figure out that mikey dyes his hair a lot and Ashton hasn't washed his bandana is ages. Our conversation came to a holt when a tall, blond haired boy with stunning blue eyes walked over. His arms are covered with tattoos and he has a lip piercing.

"Hey Luke" Calum, mikey and ash say in sync.

"Hey guys" the boy who I assume to be Luke replies. Wow.

"This is Rachel" Calum States, patting my shoulder

"Hey" Luke replies not even giving me eye contact.

"Hey" I reply rolling my eyes. Typical. The hottest are alway the idiots.
The rest of lunch consisted of small talk. I caught luke staring at me, I look away quickly hiding my blushing cheeks.
Once the bell went I head to math, the one lesson I didn't have with Calum. I was walking down the corridor when a bleach blond haired girl with cake face put her foot out, tripping me over making me head face first in the ground, smashing it hard against the slippery floor, making me dizzy.

I feel an arm pull me up and wave a hand in front of my face, my eyes take a while to a just when I see look infront of me with apologetic eyes. Luke.

"Grow up" Luke hisses to the sniggering bitch who tripped me up

"Ha Luke c'mon, your not really falling for the new girl are you? Have you seen her...god how could someo-" the bitch stops talking as Luke interrupts

"Go get a life Britney, I'm not falling for her, I just helped her up" he snapped never taking his eyes from mine

"Whatever babe" Britney replies and Luke mumbles something then pushes past me.

What just happened?

The rest of the day went slow, my head hurt a lot and I couldn't stop picturing Luke's eyes looking into mine. It was like he could read my mind. His arms were so cold and he was so strong...
Calum and I meet at the front of school...

"Hey how ya doing?" He asks

"I'm doing fine"



Yes I chose such a typical name for the mean girl...
I hope your liking this book so far❤️

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