Strange reminder

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*thats Silas up there* ^^^

Silas' POV:
After training I went home and took a shower. It was around 1 in the morning so I had better get to sleep if I want to not be dead tomorrow morning, I already suffered getting up as it was.

The next morning North and Luke picked me up and we made our way to school. North and I were still so tired. We arrived and went to our usual place in the courtyard.

"So. What happened with you guys last night?" I asked Luke.

"Well. We took like 3 hours doing homework, we decided on what sang should be for Halloween and then we went to Nathan's to go in the pool." He explained.

"Oh cool. So what has Gabe decided for what sang should be? Since knowing him i'm guessing he made the decision." I said.

Luke chuckled. "Yeah he did. We chose for sang to be a broken doll since she said she finds dolls creepy!" Luke explained.

"You weren't supposed to say!" Said a familiar voice. I turned and saw Gabe and Victor coming our way. "I wanted it to be a surprise!!" He moaned.

"Well who cares? We're gonna see the costume when we buy it and the party's in 4 days anyway so what's the point in keeping it a secret? besides its not like we've seen her in it yet!" Luke said.
Gabe rolled his eyes.

We carried on talking about what everyone else should be when Sang, Nate and Kota came up.

"Hey guys." Sang said.

"Hey Aggelle Mou" I greeted as I gave her a hug. I loved giving her hugs. She did her adorable giggle as she pulled away.

"So what you guys talking about?" She asked.

"What we should be for Halloween." I said.

Sang looked at Nate and grinned. What's that about?

"So North what are you going to be?" She said in a sneaky voice. Everyone but me and North started giggling, what were they up to.

"Don't know and don't care." North said looking unamused.

"You don't care? That's good to know!" Nate said again, in a sneaky tone. I eyed them for a few minutes and sang gave me a look that said she'll tell me later. I just nodded.

"Oh by the way man, this is for you!" Nate spoke again handing North a note. North took it looking rather uncomfortable as the bell rang.

"We better get to homeroom before we're late!!" Said Kota. We made our way to homeroom as sang explained to me what was going on.

"So since we both cheated, we both lost the bet and we have to do them both to North now!" She explained. I stifled a laugh as I glanced over at North who was reading the note. He glared over at Nate who was snickering with Luke and he smacked him on the head before stuffing it in the bin. Everyone burst out laughing.

I made it to homeroom and I saw Jess was in it. I hadn't noticed yesterday. She saw me and gave a small smile, she kind of reminded me of sang. I walked past her and noticed she was drawing something, a costume? Perhaps she was designing her own Halloween costume for the party this weekend. She was good, now she was reminding me of Gabe.  And someone said she finished before everyone else did yesterday on something that was about 15 pages long, now that just reminds me of Kota...

Ghost bird series - number 11Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon