Broken doll

500 11 1

*thats Kota up there* ^^^

Kotas POV:
Today was a long day. Silas and North were on their way to training and everyone else was coming back to mine. Today was so long, I'm really tired from this mission I had yesterday which involved following Mr Hendricks around practically all night long. It didn't help with that new History teacher, giving us a lot of work to do on our first day back. North seemed annoyed, it's bad when Norths annoyed. I can tell he isn't going to be happy with him as our teacher for the rest of the year.

Of course I finished the work quite quickly and normally I'm the first or only person to finish but to my surprise, that new girl from this morning Jess? had also finished. I was pretty impressed. I hadn't ever noticed her before, not that I would because of how busy we are all the time but still it feels like she just came out of no where. Maybe she's new. But how would Sang already know her if we just got back? Huh. Weird. Oh well it's not really my business.

Anyways, we've arrived at my house and I've decided we should get homework out the way first. We make our way to my room and start studying.


"Ugh I'm exhausted!" Luke complains.

"Me too, and I'm hungry!!" Gabriel chimes in.

We've been at it for 2 hours now. My back is killing me from laying on my stomach for a while.

"Okay. Let's take a break, I'm finished anyway. Anyone else?"

"No!" Everyone says at the same time.
Yeah I'm usually the one who finishes first.

"Let's get something to eat!!" I suggest.
Everyone slowly gets up off the floor and we make our way downstairs to the kitchen.

"What do you guys want to eat?" I ask.

"Anything!!" They say.
I nod and grab a few chicken and mayo sandwiches from the fridge and bottles of water, I pass everyone some food and we go back upstairs. Everyone throws themselves onto the beanbag chairs and we relax.

"So what are you going to be for the Halloween party, sang?" I asked.

"I'm not sure." She asks, taking a sip of her water.

"Don't girls usually go as like a cat or something?" Luke asks as he takes a rather huge bite out of his sandwich. Sang just shrugs.

"Well let me tell you right now," Gabe starts with a mouth full of chicken. "There is no way in hell you are dressing like all those sluts we saw trick or treating!"

"Gabe..." I say.

"No. I don't want sang looking stupid. Did you even see that one girl who was practically wearing bra and pants? She only fucking had a black and yellow striped bra, matching underwear, black boots and an antenna head band! Not forgetting way too much makeup." He says.

"Oh yeah. What was she even meant to be?" Victor asks.

"I think it was meant to be a bee?!" Nate suggests.

"Bee my ass." Gabe says as he finishes his sandwich. "Bees aren't even that scary so she was clearly only wearing it to get attention!!"

"Well some people are afraid of bees!" Says sang.

"Still though. It isn't the stereotypical  scary thing you wear on Halloween!" Gabe says.

"Well what do you think Sang should be?" I ask.

"I think she should be a bat!" Luke chimes in.

"A bat? Why?" Gabe says.

"Bats are cool" Luke suggests as Gabe shakes his head.

"How about a vampire?" Says Nate.

"Or a skeleton?" Adds Victor.

"Or a ghost?" I add.

"No no no no no." Gabe disagrees, "she needs to be something original."

"What are you scared of sang?" I ask.

"I don't know. Showers?" She suggests.
We chuckle.

"I don't think you should be a shower for Halloween." Gabe says. "What like creeps you out? Something that can be like from a movie or like some sort of creature from one of your nightmares!"

"Well. Usually my nightmares are about something chasing me, like ghosts, or wolves or something like that!" She explains.

"YOU COULD BE A WEREWOLF!!!" Luke shouts "AROOOHHH!!" He tries imitating a howl.

"No no no. That's not original, all the jocks and shit will probably go as that!" Gabe says.

"Well. I guess maybe, dolls creep me out?" Sang says. We all look at her.

"Dolls? Oh that's pretty cool." Gabe says. "You could be a broken doll for Halloween, I could do your makeup as if you have cracks in your skin and we can buy you like a rag doll dress and wig!" Gabe insists.

"That would be cool" says Victor.

"I don't know." Sang says, "you guys don't have to go through the trouble, I could just wear my black clothes and witches hat like I did for trick or treating, you don't need to buy me a whole new costume".

God sometimes this girl is too sweet for her own good.

"Don't even start with me. We're buying you a broken doll costume!" Victor concludes. Sang blushes and the rest of us chuckle.

"Okay guys, let's finish our homework!" I say. Everyone groans.

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