"I don't know..."

"Pretty please? I'll be nice for a week and I'll make sure my room is clean while we're in Vail."


"I'll make sure the boys have their rooms clean too."

"I'm not sure..."

"And... I'll do the dishes after every meal," he grumbles.

"Maybe." I laugh.

"Aww, that's mean!"

"I know. But you love me anyways."

"Con sure does."


"You haven't noticed yet? He fancies you. And I'm not lying about that."

"Really?" I tuck a portion of hair behind my ear, even though he can't see me.

"Yeah, if you can get it through that thick skull of yours."

"I thought he was just being nice."

"Bloody hell, you really haven't noticed! He blushes and stutters every time you say something to him! He just doesn't know how to say it because he's afraid you don't like him back."

"Are you kidding me? He's one of the nicest people I've ever met. His curiosity sparks my interest. His so honest, but never is hurtful when he tells it, unlike myself. I feel like I can talk to him without it being awkward. I want to spend every moment with him, to protect him from the brutalities of the world. But I barely know him."

"Don't worry about that part. That's what Vail is about, isn't it? I don't think that you'll barely know him for much longer. Or any of us, for that matter."

I smile faintly. "I'd like that. Let me send you those lists, alright?"

"You're the best, Liv!"

"I know. Bye! See you tomorrow!"


"Actually get some sleep."

"No promises."

I laugh and hang up. I send him the lists, smiling to myself. I brush my teeth and put on grey Converse. I lock the house behind me then drive to the mall to meet school friends for the day.

Connor's POV

When James called Liv, he told us to be quiet because he was putting her on speakerphone so we could all hear. When James first brought me up to Liv, I opened my mouth to say something but Tristan clamped his hand over my mouth. I sat quietly, and fidgeted when Liv said what she likes about me. When she hung up, Tristan removed his hand and I jumped up. Which brings us to now.

"She fancies you, mate," says Brad. I shout and dance around the room.

"She does, she really does!" I say.

"You have to step up your game," says James. I stop dead in my tracks.

"No, he doesn't," defends Tristan. "He only has to be himself, because that's who Liv fell in love with." I shoot him a look. "I know love when I see it, mate."

"Liv loves Connor!" James and Brad chant.

"Wait, wait, wait," Tristan says. "Don't forget. Connor loves Liv too!" They laugh and start chanting that too.

"Ugh, guys!" I complain. "I'm right here!"

"Oh, we know," says Brad. "That's what makes this so much fun!"

"You all suck," I say.

I pull up Instagram and follow Liv. I see a new picture of her making weird faces with some of her friends. I like it then scroll through her other pictures, mostly dance stuff and pictures with Alli and Kat. I see pictures of various animals, including four cats, a dog, a lizard, and a hamster.

"Hey guys, come look at this," I say. They crowd behind me. "I think these are all Liv's."

"Wow," says James. "That... Is a lot of animals."

Brad whistles. "That is almost excessive." We all look at him. "What? It's not like we don't have pets too."

"Wait," says Tristan. "Why are you on Liv's Instagram?" I stay silent. "I can't decide if that's weird or cute."

"Anyway," I say loudly. "Are you all packed? I'm not."

"Not to fear," says James. "Liv sent lists."

"Who uses lists anymore?" Brad asks.

"Apparently, she's never forgotten anything on a trip as long as she's had her lists. Plus, we haven't packed yet, and we forget stuff all the time. So we should pack. We leave tomorrow." We stand up and James sends us all the picture of the lists. We part ways and I go home to pack, saying hi to Harry. I pull out a suitcase and start piling things in. When I'm done, I look at the list and admire Liv's work. I like that she's so organized. I lay back on my bed and stare at the ceiling. I turn my head and see my guitar leaning on my wall. I stand up and grab it, then sit back down.

It hits me, what I want to do.

So that's the day before the Vail trip. What do you think is gonna happen between Connor and Liv? And I promise that there won't be another sad moment. Within the next few chapters. Evil grin. Anywho... Hope you're enjoying the story so far!

Facetime, Travelling, and The VampsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant