Chapter 12: Yesterday's Actions, Today's News

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I stared down at the check. I guess with Zayn being in the industry for so long, he was used to getting a good paycheck. But… well, this was mine and Dakota’s job. I was so overwhelmed with emotions I just wanted to cry. Dakota and I stared at each other, then over to Zayn who looked back and forth between us. He held out his arms. “Can a brother get a hug?”

Dakota and I laughed at him before giving in. “Just take the money, it’s not like management makes enough.” Zayn said, giving us a squeeze. “Save it for college or something.”

“Good idea.” Dakota said, looking up at him. “I think I will.”

I looked up soon after and the three of us just stared stupidly at each other. “It still kills me how we know each other.”

“It’s just ama-ZAYN, isn’t it?” Dakota asked, grinning and broke into laughter.

I rolled my eyes. That word was seriously overrated. Zayn shook his head. “Seriously, as horrible as this may sound right now, I’m glad Harry and Louis brought you two back to the hotel with them when we first met. You really changed my life.”

“How’s that?” I asked, wondering how two normal girls can change such a life as his.

He shrugged. “You girls were fans and yet you still treated us like normal human beings. You saw how crazy fans get. I’m glad to see there’s at least two normal girls out there.”

I couldn’t help but smile. I believe he was speaking on behalf of the group. Zayn looked over toward Dakota, “It’s too bad you rejected Liam, though. I’d like to see the two of you together.”

Dakota pouted as her face turned sad. “I’m not holding it against you, though.” He added, putting a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze. “I mean…” He smiled, “Why date him when there’s a perfectly good-looking boy right here?”

Dakota’s face slowly split into a smile. They both shrugged their shoulders, holding up their hands. “’Vas happening?”

We laughed. That was until we were interrupted, “What’s going on here? I wanna be surrounded by girls too!” Niall yelled as he jumped onto the couch next to Dakota.

“In your dreams, Niallers!” Zayn yelled, laughing as he grabbed me and Dakota to fall onto him.

The rest of the guys tagged onto the bus one after another. Harry and Liam were last, deep in conversation. About what? I wasn’t sure, but I wasn’t about to ask. The guys decided to head upstairs and change out of the clothes they were made to wear for the photo shoot. Dakota and I were alone for the briefest moment. “Just think about it.” I said to Dakota, “After tonight’s concert, tomorrow is a free day for us and the guys... asides for the morning interview. We can do whatever we want.”

“I think clothes is a must…” Dakota said, “My wardrobe is running short and there’s not a laundry mat around to just wash them…”

I nodded in agreement. “We’ll be in Texas by then, so let’s stop by the mall or something.”

“Lord knows we got plenty of money to spend…” She replied, staring at her check.

I nodded in agreement. The guys all came down at the same time, laughing about something. “Okay!” Louis said, clapping. “We’re free until the concert tonight… so, how about a movie day?”

Louis definition of a movie day was pretty much sit around, eat, and sleep. Yeah, we stuck a movie in, but our DVD section is short and we’ve seen the movies a billion times, so we pretty much ignored it. The last lazy day we had was in between the four day concert break after Illinois. The guys were so exhausted they just slept. Now they were full of energy, even Liam to my surprise.

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