- Chapter Twenty Three -

Start from the beginning

"I loved your sister... Just about as much as I loved you. I... took care of her for you. When you were in the games," Gale continues. I can already tell that Peeta is getting angry with the weak excuses being thrown at us, but he doesn't say a word. This isn't his battle. He's here to support me and my actions, but I can't guarantee that's all he'll be doing.

"Why did you come today?" I ask. I don't care about the past. I know that Gale loved Prim. If he didn't, she would have died much sooner. She wouldn't have been able to survive without him. I also know that Gale loved me. I wouldn't have been able to survive without him. Now is all that matters. Today is all that I'm worried about.

"I needed to talk to you. About us." Gale says.

"You did more than talk," Peeta interjects. I place my hand firmly on his arm in attempt to stop him, but I don't think it's going to work. I really don't want him to become a monster again. The monster that only wants to project me but ends up hurting me instead.

"I... didn't mean to." Gale repeats, staring at my damaged head. He looks so shocked- like he doesn't believe that he could have caused an injury so severe. I would feel the same way if I unintentionally hurt someone that I loved.

"Well you did. And you hurt me and the rest of our loved ones too. You hurt this entire day," Peeta booms.

"What else can I say?" Gale says raising his voice. "I didn't mean to!"

"Oh, so you didn't mean to hit Katniss? And you didn't mean to throw me off of a gazebo?" Peeta says. I want him to stop. I want this to be calm and organized. But when you put these two men together, there's no telling what could happen.

"I didn't want Katniss to make the wrong decision," Gale explains. "I've been there for her for the majority of her life."

"You can't be serious right now!"Peeta yells. I feel so uncomfortable. It's like they're talking about me as if I'm not in the room. A give Peeta's hand a squeeze and he jumps and turns my way. Maybe he did forget about my presence. It wouldn't be very hard to.

Peeta's eyes are not kind and thoughtful like they usually are. They're full of fury and hatred. Like they were when he was trying to strangle me to death. I'm immediately terrified and break eye contact. I can't handle it.

"I'm totally serious! What about in District 13? You weren't there for her then, were you?" Gale says, stealing back Peeta's attention.

"He was being hijacked." I say. I couldn't have let this go unsaid. Peeta had no control over where his location was. Both Peeta and Gale look at me with wide eyes. Are they surprised that I'm talking? They probably got so wrapped up in conversation that they forgot about the source of the problem. Me. I was beginning to get swallowed up in my own argument.

"And who went to go and save him?" Gale continues, staring into my eyes. "Me."

"You two are only thinking about the past," I interrupt. "You need to stop. Now."

Peeta goes silent immediately. All he wants is for me to be happy. To feel joy. Maybe he thought he was defending me, but all he was doing was defending himself and making the situation worse. He's not acting like the man I love. Gale is trying to prove himself again, but the only valid points that he's bringing up all occurred in the past. I can't help but wonder what else he's weaseled his way out of. No one in this room is acting the way that they should.

"Gale- you can't be a part of my life anymore if you keep making these "mistakes."  You used to make me happy, but now the mere mention of your name makes me tremble in fear. I don't need that in my life- now that I'm married."

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