Chapter 1: Searching

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So this is my first fanfic don't be scared to comment on any of the chapters I would love to see what you guys think

Astrid POV

We had started searching for an island we could make into our own island outpost. It felt like we had been flying for hours and I knew that we were too far out to keep travelling to Berk and back.

We explored a few islands before finding an island we thought would work. We landed on the island and I smiled, I liked it there "well, I'm staying here guys" I stated. It wasn't long before Hiccup had the brilliant idea of us all having our own huts.

He had mapped out the island while we had been arguing over what the outpost was going to look like "Astrid, Which part would you like?" he asked me.

I looked at the map for a while and decided. I pointed to the right side of the map "there, between the two small forest areas" it was the perfect place for me to be able to do my target practice and it was right behind where my hut would be.

Ruff and Tuff decided they wanted an area to the left near the ocean "just be careful, it's a bit cliffy there" Hiccup warned them.

Snotlout pointed to the top part of the map which was clearly the top of the mountain and Fishlegs decided the best place for his 'relaxation garden' was towards the bottom of the map.

It jutted out in  small circle and was surrounded by the ocean "that will be very relaxing" he stated looking very proud of his decision. Hiccup rolled up the map "where will you go?" I asked curiously.

There's  a  place  near  where  you  picked  just  the  other  side  of the woods just there" he answered unrolling the map and pointing just above where my hut would be.

He rolled the map back up "and in the centre we will have a training arena" he finished. He had it all planned out so we started helping each other build exactly what we wanted.

We  had  only  been  on  the  island  for  a  few  days  and  already  it looked like an actual island outpost the next thing we needed to discuss was what we would call it.

"How  about  Snotland" I gave Snotlout the death glare

"I  don't  think  so" I replied

"Why not?"

"Because  that's the stupidest thing I've ever heard" I replied.

"I  know..." Tuff started

"Thorstonton" the twins finished together

I face palmed and sighed "okay Astrid what do you think?" Hiccup asked.

"Personally I think... Dragons Edge, but anything those guys said is a no from me" I answered.

Snotlout  and  the  twins  insisted  we  go  with  their  suggestions and Fishlegs voted we go with Dragons Edge. That settled it, one vote for Snotland, two votes for Thorstonton and three votes for Dragons Edge.

The gang wanted to put the finishing touches on their huts, Ruff and Tuff wanted a boar pit, Snotlout wanted an S shaped flag and Fishlegs wanted to fill his mud bath. I left them to it and jumped on Stormfly for a little flight, not long after I took off Hiccup joined me.

"where you off to?" he asked

"just going for a flight, I'll be back before anyone notices I'm gone" I paused "wanna join me?"

Hiccup smiled "yeah, let them finish their own huts" and we carried on flying.

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