Nick ran and ran, taking the stairs two at a time until he reached a bathroom in the hallway. He slammed the door shut and locked it, AJ banging on the other side.

"Open up, Carter! You can't stay in there all day!"

"I don't plan to..." Nick muttered as he went for the window.

"What the heck is going on? Tracy said she heard some commotion up here." Brian asked a few minutes later, coming upon AJ banging on the bathroom door.

"Nick's locked himself in and refuses to get married. He said something about bad luck." AJ explained as he jiggled the doorknob.

"Okay, so he's got a case of cold feet."
"Cold feet? Brian he tackled me as he was running away! What gave you that idea?"

"Nick? It's Brian. How about you come out of there and we have a talk?" Brian said calmly, standing in front of the door.

"He's not answering. What the hell is he doing in there?" AJ mumbled when they heard some scuffling.

Brian and AJ realized the situation was getting serious.

"Time for our backup plan. I'm getting Amanda." Brian said, running down the stairs.

Amanda was debating on leaving when Brian came running up to her, his face flushed and out of breath.

"We have a problem.....oh my." Brian started, but Amanda saw Nick's legs dangling from an open window. She raised her eyebrow as they stared in disbelief.

"Do I wanna know?"

"Nick's got cold feet. Can you help me talk to him? He'll listen to you-"

"No, I won't. Nick chose where he wanted to be and I will not have anything to do with this wedding." Amanda snapped coldly. Her mind flashed back to that night, rejection still in her head. Nick didn't want her anymore. It was over.

"I don't know what you're talking about...." Brian mumbled.

"Honey I think you should help them. Think about Tracy, she doesn't deserve her wedding day ruined. If Nick doesn't want to get married, he needs to talk to her." Lance suggested to everyone's surprise. Amanda almost laughed at Brian's dumbfounded expression but decided to follow him into the house.

"Nick?" Amanda said, standing in front of the bathroom door.

"I'm not coming out." he replied bluntly.

"It's me."

"Why are you here? I thought you didn't want me to get married either."
"Nick, just open the damn door." Amanda hissed. She hated when he was stubborn. Nick opened the door and she stepped into the bathroom, noticing the shower curtain on the floor and the window open.

"Don't ask." he said, sitting on the toilet and sighing.

"You realize everyone could see you from here?" Amanda asked....her eyes boring into his red rimmed ones. He didn't reply, just shifted uncomfortably.

"So are you gonna tell me why you were dangling from a window?"

"I can't do this." Nick mumbled.

"You had the opportunity to leave her, Nick. I would have left Lance for you. You chose this....we both know you don't love her." Amanda replied.

"I have a really bad feeling about this. Like I'm making a mistake....like something bad is gonna happen if we get married and go to Aruba. She picked Aruba, I wanted Hawaii." Nick confessed. He also couldn't help thinking about seeing Tracy in her dress....it was bad luck.

"Nick, you're my best friend and I want you to be happy. She has been rotten to me for a few weeks now but she doesn't deserve you running out on her. Like you told me when I wanted to run away....we can't run from our problems." Amanda said, sighing.

"I guess you're right. Do you think I am ready for this? You know....marriage?" Nick asked.

"You will make a wonderful husband and a great father one day. I think you're just scared." she smiled. She didn't realize she was tearing up....it was like letting him go.

Nick nodded and stood up, fixing his jacket.

"Okay.....if you think so then I'm ready. Thank you Amanda....I needed this. I just hope I won't regret it." he said, hugging her. She felt tears spill down her face as he held her for a moment before running out of the room.

As Amanda watched him go, she couldn't help think that maybe Nick was right.

To be continued in You Give Love A Bad Name....

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