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Today Matthew is finally going on a date with me. To think that we use to be best friends Matty and Carter, then snapchat friends as FloridaBoy and Mattspinosa, and now we are on a date.

Funny how things work, huh?

"So where do you want to go?" Carter asked me while we walked off my lawn. It took some thinking but I knew the perfect place that would bring back tons of memories. "Can we go to our favorite park?"

He gave me a look, certainty. I knew he liked the idea as much as I did. "And what food should we bring?" I told him we should just be simple like how we use to always be. That was always a good experience and nothing can go wrong with some takeout anyways.

We ordered some of his asian fusion and got ready to head to the park. This was a park that has treated us with respect while growing up. It had nice cherry blossoms that would bloom on the right seasons and a pathway that led to all the right benches and picnic tables.

I would say its a very romantic place, but its a good kids park too, the most swingy swings, thats why Carter and I always loved it.

"Ah.. so much memories." Carter breathed out as he looked out of his dashboard and took a curb parking under some trees.

"Can I ask you something?" I started while we were getting out of the car and heading to the familiar pathway that lead us up to who we are today. "So Carter, how did you know or when, when did you have feelings for me?

"Oh.. I always had to be honest. Matthew, I've always loved you-- yeah as friends but as i grew up I still read our old letters and everything, to be completely honest, it made me think, maybe this whole time the feelings were present. I grow up thinking that I want to keep doing this with you." He smiled while brushing his hand against mine. I took hold of it, it is nice seeing Carter smile.

We find this certain tree that we use to hang out in during the past. "Hey look, our names carved on this is still here.

Carter and Matt.

The grass was wet but it didn't stop me from laying on my stomach. Carter criss crossed and held his to go carton in his hands. The noodles were slurped into his mouth until I asked him for some.

"So, now my question for you..." Carter started. "Whats up with screenshotting my nudes?"

"Uhm... curiosity?" I started to blush as my cheeks burned.

"Curious hmm?"

"Yeah, want to tell me where that leads to?"

We were both having the same ideas. I wasn't sure if I actually wanted this or just haven't gotten enough of Shawn in the last week. For the meantime, we lounged together in the fields of small white daises and leaves. We talked about our pasts, how it was like without each other, and what we can do in the future together.

"Alright pinosa, lets go home so I can show you what my snapchats are all about." he inched his hands out, winking in my direction. As i get up, he tugs my arm and races us to the garbage to dispose of our garbage and then he opened my door. "Someone pretty feisty, hmm?" I smirk and tease. "Only for you Matty. I've been waiting for eleven years."


The way his body collided against mine, how his stomach skimmed mine. I enjoyed every bit of him inside me, loved how our hips would bulk together. I would scream his name every now and then. "Carter.." I moan when he pushes himself in.

To say, its better than Shawn. May not be my first but I sure hope he is my last.

"Carter, I love you."

He kisses the temple of my head.

"Always loved you, always will."

With that, my body shook from side to side, as I felt sweat dripping from my head.

I open my eyes and find myself asleep in the laundry matt, my eyes directly from Carter shaking me awake.

"Hey are you alright?"


"How do you know my name?

I look at him, dead, lost, struck. It seems as if, once I made eye contact with him earlier, the whole world flashed in front of my eyes.

"Aw, a teddy bear... I had one of these myself in the past. It has my friends initials... MLE. Hahah.." he looks at the shirt of the bear and becomes certain with a blank face.


[ oct 29 ]

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