second day

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I woke up to water splashing on me I sat up and saw Carson with the hose .
Carson:get dressed we gotta go
Me:who let you in the house
Carson:my fat ass came through the window let's go
I got dressed and got the kids dressed and came down stairs
Summer: hey carsi
Carson:hey sweet heart
When August saw Carson he ran behind me
Carson:when we're you gonna tell me you had a son
Me :because
Carson: dont get smart
Me:sweetie auggie honey say hi
I turned around picked him up and handed him to Carson he screamed
Carson:well damn
Me:he's just not used to you
Carson:summer got used to me in a day
Me:that's different
Carson:whatever boo lets just go
We went to the mall to pick out perfumes and heels
Me:I like this smell
Carson : let me see
He smelt it
Carson:this smells sexy
He put it in the basket
Summer:mommy I want a toy me:not today summer
Then she throws a tantrum
Me:summer no
I picked her up and reached in the baby bag and gave her a Capri Sun
Summer:open it
I put the straw in the pouch for her
August:me to mommy
He started whining
Me:August no I didn't bring extra diapers
Me:august no honey
He started crying and sat on the floor
Carson: come here August sweetie
Carson held out a Hershey for August
August ran to Carson and Carson picked him up and fed him candy
Carson:ok let's get you some heels
We picked out a sexy black pair and after we went to eat

SUMMER TATIANA ANOAI (Roman Reigns)Where stories live. Discover now