“What are you doing?” I asked her.

She turned to look at me with blank eyes. “He said he could help us,” she said, as if I were an idiot.

“He could be anyone,” I replied tugging on her arm.

“He’s our savior,” she said.


“I really am here to help you Cassandra. Please, don’t be afraid,” he stretched out his other hand to me. I’m here to help you. Trust me Cassandra, his voice said inside of my head.

Okay, weirdest night ever.

“Get out of my head,” I said and pictured a huge brick wall inside my mind. I saw this on a children of the corn movie, those creepy little kids were messing with their teacher’s head and his defense was a brick wall. I thought I’d give it a shot.

He looked completely shocked. His eyes were so wide I could see the whites all around. His mouth opened in a little o. It would be funny if the situation wasn’t so, well, not funny.

I heard movement behind me and the three of us ducked behind a huge rock.

“Fine, then I’ll reason with you,” he whispered, strain evident in his voice. “I haven’t tried to kill you yet and trust me, I could’ve. I saw your entire fight out on the lawn and I watched as you two decided to take the woods instead of the road. I waited until you were deep enough in and safe enough before I tried to talk to you. At any point in this period of time I could have had you both tied up and in the back of my car in ten seconds flat,” his voice was hard and his eyes were no longer glowing. They simply bored into mine like any old person trying to get his point across. “Now, either you trust me, or you die. Your choice.” His voice was slightly smug as he said this. Jerk.

Samantha stared blankly at the jerk.

“‘Your choice,’ yeah right,” I muttered. “Fine, let’s go,” I said giving a concerned glance at my sister.

“Good,” he said firmly as he started leading the way down a steep hill. We would stop every once in a while when we heard a sound. Sometimes I heard nothing at all but the jerk motioned us down and we would crouch, holding our breaths. After a few moments we would start up again.

After what felt like an eternity, we made it to the end of the path. There was a Cadillac Coup parked behind the science building and nothing else besides garbage cans and pigeons.

He pulled open the back door and motioned us in. “Keep your heads down until I tell you it’s safe. They’ll be looking for you.”

My sister stepped into the car without asking any questions.

What the hell?

“Who is ‘they’ exactly and what do they want with us?” I asked staring at the open car door my sister just stepped inside of all nonchalant. “And what the hell did you do to Sam?”

He sighed. “I’ll explain on the way. Now would you please get in?” He gave a jerky gesture towards the interior.

I felt a light push at my temple again and put up my brick wall.

He swore and glared at me.

Then he was looking at the path we’d just come from and was swearing again. “They’re coming. Please get in.” The panic in his voice sounded sincere.

I got in the car. Lesser of two evils. Maybe.

Next thing I knew, we were booking it off campus and onto the city streets I wasn’t looking out the windows so I couldn’t be sure but we had to have blown every stop sign and red light we came across.

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