"I don't need your permission anymore mom, he won't hurt me. I know he won't. I like him a lot and he likes me too."

"Look at you, growing up so fast." She chuckles. I laughed, as much as I wanted to say something I couldn't ruin the mood. I just couldn't.

"If its not too much, I'd like to invite him over for dinner." I chewed my bottom lip.

"Friday night?" I nodded, agreeing. "That'd be perfectly fine."

I thanked her, hugging her as well.

"Please, be careful that's all I ask."

"I will."

I went up to my room, she ordered pizza and told me she'd let me know when it was here. I had text Shelby asking if she wanted to sleep over tonight because I have a lot to tell her. Yes, its a school night but it doesn't really matter we both go to the same school.

She agreed to and said she'd be over in fifteen minutes. I decided to take a quick shower, Justin said he'd text me tonight once he got home. After I was done with my shower, Shelby was already here but downstairs with my mom and I had a text from Justin.

Knowing my mom wasn't a big fan of Justin kind of pissed me off, he never did anything to her and she never even met him. The fact that she wanted me to get back with Kyle was the worst thing she could have possibly said to me. I sat on my bed, thinking how if I never would've accepted Justin's Snapchat friend request I would've never known he was at that party.

"Kelsey, the pizza is here!" My mom shouts to me from downstairs.

"Ok, give me a second!" I shouted back.

I went to my drawer and pulled out a pair of matching undergarments, slipping on a pair of yoga pants and loose fitting white t-shirt. Grabbing my phone I texted Justin back, I could smell the fresh pizza roaming through the halls. I inhaled the pleasant smell, letting my mouth water and my senses follow the smell.

"Hey honey, you didn't tell all me Shelby was coming over." My mother says.

"Sorry, it was a last minute thing I said."

"Its alright, I would've ordered an extra box. But this is enough."
I smiled, grabbing a plate and taking a couple slices.

"So, Shelby, how's your mother doing?"

"She's doing good, thanks for asking." Shelby smiles.

My mom liked Shelby, a lot. It was the only friend I had that my mom approved of, she didn't like my last friend Nicole and Aubrey. She said they were a bad influence, which I agree.

After we finished eating, Shelby and I went to my room. There was so much I had to tell her.

"So, what happened with you and Justin tonight?" Shelby eagerly asked.

"Well, we were hanging out for a bit and we drove to his house, there we talked for a bit and I met his mom kind of,"

"Wait, you met his mom?"

I nodded, "yeah, she was really sweet and she said that she liked me."

"Aw, goals! You and Justin need to date already." She squeals.

"About that," I bit my bottom lip.

Shelby jaw dropped, "no!" She breaks out into a wide smile.


"No, way!"

"Yes way,"

"How did this happen!?"

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