Chapter 21: Visions of the Future

Start from the beginning

"Yes, I know, but I'm sure Aunt Maria understands the circumstances at the moment and won't mind keeping Ayanna a little while longer." He then stood up and kissed the top of my forehead, "Now stop arguing with me and get some rest. I'll be right here, and I don't plan on going anywhere until they kick me out, or they let you go home."

As I closed my eyes, all, I could think was how I got so lucky I was to know that fate had a way to bring us together. Even fought with me when I try to push him away, he still stood by my side no matter how stubborn I was. Now with being in the hospital he refused to leave my side. There was no doubt in my heart that this man was meant for me, he was my soul mate.

"We need to set a wedding date." I spoke only to hear his laughter in response.

When he finally stopped laughing, I open my eyes to see he had laid his chin against my pillow looking straight at me, "I'm not sure if it's the drugs in your system, or if you really mean it, but that is the best thing I could hear you say." Then he stopped and looks thoughtful before saying, "That, or maybe you were pregnant, but I'm sure we will be finding out about that soon enough."

"I had a dream that we had gotten married and had a baby boy right after," I confess. "I really like to see it come true, I want to be your wife and give you that baby boy you want so badly."

That's when he leans over and gave me a peck on the lips. "I had hoped the next time I saw you in a hospital bed would be the day you gave birth to our baby boy, but right now I need you to get rest and get better because once the doctor gives you a clean bill of health we're going to be at it until your belly nice and round holding our baby boy inside."

I didn't say anything after that since I felt myself falling back to sleep thinking about the perfect life with Chance and our children.


Ayanna had come to see me the next day and was all but tears and keep saying that bad guy wasn't allowed to hurt her mommy anymore. She refuses to leave my side when it came to lunch and said she needed to stay with me to help me, in case I needed anything. It broke my heart though to see her leave when visiting hours were over; Chance did leave then so he could comfort her.

That's when Greg stayed with me. He didn't say much just how sorry he was about not seeing the signs in Marcus. He felt guilty about what had happened to me, but I had to let him know he had no hand in it, plus Rose had pulled him into her in games to take Chance away from me. That seems to make him feel a little better, but not much.

The next day I could go home, and it seemed no one was willing to go home, even my mother and Chance were here to help with the housework and make sure I was comfortable. They were pleased to hear Chance and I had worked out our differences and were planning on moving forward with our lives together.

It wasn't until after everyone went home, and Ayanna had gone to bed that Chance came to sit on the couch, leaving my feet up before placing him in his lap, while I was reading the same book from that nightmare's day that I could feel something was off.

"Milly, I know I've been joking around a lot about having a baby boy, but you have to know I'll be fine if we had another girl." He just bluntly said looking at me with a straight face. "I want to experience this whole parenting fully. I feel I didn't hold up my end with Ayanna until now.

Placing the book down in my lap, feeling disappointed on robbing him to be a part of her life from the beginning, "I know this Chance, and I can't express how sorry I am that I took that away from you."

He leaned his head down and kissed my belly on top of my shirt, "If you're in there, please give your mommy hell, because she's a suborn one." Then he looked up at me, "Do you remember what you told me in the hospital about getting married?"

"Yes," I said, feeling nervous about where this was going now. He was acting strange and jumping from one topic to another.

"Good," he said before getting up and dropping my feet to the side of the couch and walking away leaving me dumbfounded about what just happen. I stood up to follow him to the backyard only to see that it was lit up, like stars falling around us and everyone we knew was standing there, even Ayanna there in her nightgown in Greg's arms.

"I thought you all went home?" I found myself saying as Chance turned to face me with a smile on his face, the same smile that showed he was up to no good.

"Milly, let me start by saying you are the most stubborn women I have ever met, but I'm just as bull-headed and knew when something is right you fight for it, like you and me. We are one in the same heart that has once again found its way back together." When he dropped down to one knee, I felt the tears start to fall has I covered my month in shock. Given we have already proposed our love to one another, but here he was giving me a more elaborate proposal in front of everyone made my love for him grow. "I plan on spending the rest of my life with you, married or not because that's how strong our love is. Lilly Elizabeth Dunn will you do me the honor and marry me and forever be my Lilly?"

Author Notes:

There one last chapter then we say goodbye to Lilly and Chance. :'(

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