Chapter 3

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I woke up, Frank was laying on the centre of the floor, bored. I looked at him and he smiled at me. “Morning, Sunshine!” Frank said, his tone was amused. I sat up.

“What time is it?” I asked.

“’Round dinner time.” Frank answered. My stomach growled, I didn’t even think I was hungry. “You want to go eat?” Frank asked. He poked at his thin stomach that rumbled as well.

“Sure.” I agreed.

“We just have to be more careful. There’s more people there now, and some, okay most of them are dangerous and edgy.” Frank warned me. I got out of my bed and we left the room. We walked down the long hallway, the rooms were all closed. At the doorway by the entrance to the lounge area were some security guards.

“Dangerous how?” I asked quietly as we walked past the guards. The lounge had several patients. There were two sitting alone at a food table. One was really large and bulky, shaggy strawberry blonde hair and a scruffy beard. The other was not as large or as bulky, but he had shoulder length dirty blonde greasy hair.

“Criminally insane.” Frank answered. We walked by those two and the bulky one wolf-whistled at Frank. “Be on your toes.” Frank whispered. We walked up to the meal line. Jamia was working again, she smiled at Frank and me.

“Alright, no meat for you. What would you like, Gerard?” Jamia asked. She handed Frank a tray of food. Rice and an assortment of veggies and fruit.

“Uh, same as Frank please.” I said. Jamia smiled and made me a tray similar to Frank’s. We thanked her and then walked away. The bulky guy wolf-whistled at Frank again.

“Pansy! C’mere!” The guy said. Frank went to sit by them and motioned for me to sit down.

‘They will watch your back.’ Darkness said quietly. I sat down.

“Hey Bob, and new guy.” Frank said. The greasy blonde had his head down. He had leather straps around his head, probably a mask so he wouldn’t bite people or something.

“Hey Frankie and new guy. You’re the guy that got a shocker, yea?” Bob asked, he looked at me with bright blue eyes. He was eating meat, a lot of meat. I nodded.

“This is Gerard, he’s my roommate.” Frank said. Bob nodded and then nudged the guy next to him.

“This here is Kurt.” Bob said. Kurt lifted his head up, he had a mouth mask, it made me think of Hannibal Lector.

“Why is he here?” Frank asked. Kurt looked at me for a second with icy blue eyes.

“Hears voices and shit. Bipolar schizophrenic.” Bob answered. “Murder.” He added nonchalantly.

“Murder?” I blurted. They all looked at me. I figured that by criminally insane that maybe that they were robbers, or muggers in a gang, not murder.

“Yes, murder.” Bob said. I pushed my meal away and stared at the table. Frank cleared his throat and sighed. “That make you nervous?” Bob asked, I glanced up at him, he was amused.

‘Show now fear!’ Darkness ordered. I took a deep breath and looked up at him.

“No, just realizing my competition.” I said with a sly smirk. Bob ‘oohed’ and chuckled.

“Holy damn! I like you, kid!” Bob said excitedly. I looked at him and he grinned. Kurt looked over his shoulder and tabbed Bob’s shoulder. Bob looked over his own shoulder. Two guys approached us, one of them was tall and had super curly hair, a fro. The other guy was shorter with black wild hair.

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