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I am finally happy, I feel like a little princess married with a beautiful prince living in a big castle just like in fairy tales. Was that even possible? ..My dreams finally came true and I deserved it, for all my hard work I deserve every good thing that comes in my life right now.

Let me share some things about me, my name is Caroline Preston, I am 28, live in a big city like New York, I used to work for a big data company but after some major financial problems they decided to let me go, I know what you think maybe I wasn’t good enough but trust me, I was , it seems I was just to expensive for them  to keep paying me in that situation so I understood and left in good terms, I still help them out from time to time, apparently they still need me , funny hm ? In the meantime I got married to a beautiful  and loving man, the man of my dreams, like I said I am so happy that sometimes I think this is a dream and like every dream it fades away after I wake up. So we’ve been together for three years now, married since two and we don’t have kids, its way too early for kids right now and I don’t have a job at this moment , we just decided I can stay and think about my next steps of my working life.

Not having a job is sometimes hard for me, I miss the morning rush, the hard work and all the appreciation I got for it and of course my dear friends at the office, we still chat from time to time but its not like old days when we hang out after work or chit-chat in coffee breaks. My mom makes everything even harder , every time we talk or meet she never forgets to criticize me that I don’t have a job. Of course  I understand her point, she raised me all alone because my dad died when I was still a baby girl and she had to deal with everything alone, having a job and a child wasn’t easy and with no help she really did a great job or at least I think she did, I always think of me as being well raised and with proper education. My mom is everything to me, she is my best friend and I love her madness of doing things she likes, like going to party's or having fun doing crazy stuff. There is a part which I don’t want to mention about her that really hurts but still I’m not prepared to talk about it right now.

I have a lot of friends all over the world, during my studies I had to work to afford my university fees, I’m not having a rich background so my mom could not help with my studies, if I wanted this I had to do it on my own, and I did, it was a living hell but I survived it. OK, back to my friends, I am thankful that I have my best friend Jenn, we met at the university and became best friends in a short time. She is the only one that knows everything about me and I trust her deeply. She is strong, beautiful and with a big heart. We love to spend time together, we always have a lot to talk about even if we see each other almost every day, now that I don’t have a job a can do things that I like and one of them is spending time with my darling Jenn. I love the way we can understand each other even if we don’t speak, just a look and she knows what I’m about to say. She is always by my side, it’s like I’m married to her as well.(funny, I know but it’s the truth).

Mentioning about marriage, didn’t I tell you how happy I was? LOL Yes, talking about my happy marriage is making me even happier, my husband’s name is Daniel Preston, he is rich, clever, very handsome and he loves me a lot. He’s family background is quite important, he’s dad is the shareholder of some big Car Company and my mother-in-law is all about charity like all the rich woman in this category, you know what I mean don’t you? They are nice people and they love me, at least they say they do, still I have the feeling something is missing, maybe it’s just my imagination. I’ve always tried to be perfect in front of them just to make Daniel proud of me and who I am and I kind of became fake in some ways, sometimes I even ask myself why I try so hard to please them, it’s not like they are my own parents and  I have to prove them anything. My job is to make their son happy and believe me, I am making him happy. That’s because every daughter-in-law has this job to be the perfect girl, they always expect the best girl for their sons, the smartest, the most beautiful, with a strong carrier of course that’s important, money is THE most important item and last but not least all daughter-in-laws have to be fertile, this is a high criteria in this kind of rich families. So, I don’t need a job, I already have one, being the wife of a rich guy is a high paid job believe me. LOL

I didn’t marry Daniel for his money and I’m serious, I have my own money that I can spend when I want and on what I want, I earned this privilege with hard work and a lot of sacrifices. I married him because I truly deeply fell in love with him. I love him so much it hurts, every time he looks at me it feels like I have goose bumps all over my body and I can’t have enough of him, yes I know what you think, how can that be possible? but it is, believe me. True love really exists, we just have to find it and I think each of us has it, in a way or another love will come to us.

Enough with my meditation, I have to prepare dinner for Daniel he is coming home like in about one hour so I think this time I make him his favorite food. I’m not that of a cook but I can make some dishes that we both like. His favorite homemade food is lasagna so tonight I’ll just surprise him. Luckily I have everything prepared so I just have to fry the vegetables and meat together, mix them with fresh tomato sauce add some seasoning and make the béchamel sauce for the lasagna sheets.

(after 30 min)

OK, now everything is ready to be prepared for the oven, first come the lasagna sheets covered with béchamel , veggies –meat sauce and cheese, another bed just like the first one, everything covered with cheese and that’s it, all in the oven for 40 minutes. While the lasagna was in the oven I had to get a quick shower so I went upstairs.

Did I mention that the house where we live is a simple one but designed with modern furniture and why I love it so much is because it’s not big, just what we need, 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 1 kitchen and a spacious living room. The house has a good lightning, I just can't live without light and all the walls are in lightning colors. I really don’t see the use of a big house, so much unused space just for showing that we are wealthy and a maid that works her ass of cleaning my wealth. I don’t understand why people choose this kind of showing off what they have.

Coming out of the shower I leaned on the big bed in our bedroom, I could still smell Daniel’s cologne on the bed sheets, I inhaled his perfume and some dirty thoughts of us making love this morning invaded my mind, I enjoyed making love to him, loved the way everything went in slow motion with him especially in the mornings when he’s a sleepy head. Teasing him in his sleep is annoying, I know, but then eventually I win a hot touching session and that is mind blowing for me.

I realized I have to get dressed and by every minute that passes Daniel should be home so I had to finish the table downstairs. I decided I go for jeans and a simple T-shirt it wasn’t a special occasion after all. Oh, I heard the car outside, I ran out of the bedroom downstairs, when I got near the oven I was breathing heavy from running like a kid. Luckily the lasagna was ready and I just took it out of the oven when I heard the front door slam, I started at the loud noise almost dropping the hot lasagna on the floor. What was happening? What’s with all the noise? I didn’t even finish the sentence in my head and I saw Daniel burst into the kitchen coming into my direction.

                 - Hey baby, you’re home! What’s wrong? What’s with the door slam? I asked trying to be calm.

                   - Don’t ever “baby” me you whore!!!!

      And with that I suddenly felt my right cheek burn from the pain he’s hand left on my face. Oh my god did he just hit me? I froze, I just couldn’t say or do anything!

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