What have I done?

****Shawn's P.O.V.****

"Maya, I need to talk to you," I half said , half yelled. I'm trying to stay calm about this, but I'm not exactly thrilled that my thirteen year old daughter is going around kissing people like its some sort of kissing party or something.

"Maya, I need to talk to y-" I started to say again, but stopped when I heard something coming from Gabe's room. I walked over to his room slowly and hesitantly pressed my ear against the door.

"Look, Adrianna, I care about you a lot, and I want you to know that I will always like you," I heard Gabe's muffled voice say.

Who in the hell is Adrianna?

"But, I have just recently figured out what my feelings toward you truly are," he continued. "I like you, but.. but only as a friend."

"Do you have any plans for what you're going to tell her if she asks why you suddenly realized that?" I heard a new voice ask, and I instantly recognized it as Maya's.

"I'll just tell her that I have a new love interest, and she is the most amazing and beautiful girl I could ever ask for," he said.

He sure likes a lot of girls.

"You're too sweet," I heard Maya say.


He was talking about Maya.

That makes more sens-

Wait a second.

He was talking about Maya.

It suddenly got suspiciously quiet, and my eyes widened.

They better not be doing what I think they're doing.

I was about to open the door when I heard Gabe say something.

"Maya, as much as I love kissing you, I feel really guilty about it."

"Why do you feel guilty about it?"

"Because, you know.. We never really got Shawn's permission."

"We don't need anybody's permission to kiss, Gabe."

"I know, I just.. Ugh. I'm trying so hard to get his permission, it's just so difficult. Every time he sees me he glares at me, and he scoffs anytime that I say anything. I'm really putting in an effort, but he won't even consider it."

"I know, Gabe. But, look at the bright side. At least you have Cory's permission."

"That's not good enough."

"Since when have you ever cared about what a girl's parents think about you?" She asked.

"I usually don't. But, like I said before, you're different from other girls. I want to do this right."

"Well, that's very sweet of you, Gabe."

"Thank you. I do try."

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