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"Hey, Jack?" I looked up from my laptop to see that Zack was fixing his shirt right in front of me. I was so caught up watching Youtube videos that I hadn't noticed him until he called my name for the fourth time. 

"What?" I asked taking my headphones off my head and pausing the video I was watching at the minute. 

"Rian and I are going on a date. It's our eight month anniversary" My best friend smiled down at me proudly and I congratulated him with a warm smile. 

"Where is Rian then?" I asked, confused as to why one of them was in the house and the other was missing. 

"At work. I'm picking him up and we're going to a fancy diner in town" He explained.

"Oh, cool. Have fun and tell Rian I said hi" I tried going back to the videos, but he stopped me by talking again.

"You know what that means, right?" Zack raised an eyebrow.

"That I'll have to have pizza because you won't be here to cook dinner?" I tried guessing, but didn't succeed as I watched Zack sigh and roll his eyes. I thought I was right because he usually did all the cooking unless he really didn't feel like it, so I was taken a back when he shook his head. 

"No, it means Rian and I are going to.. you know" He tried to explain, and it was now my turn to roll my eyes. For such a big, bulky guy, he surely was shy as hell.

"I'm not going anywhere, it's freaking cold outside" I protested crossing my arms over my chest.

It wasn't the first time Zack had asked me to leave our flat so they could have sex without me in the house, but it had always been during the day so I could go out for coffee or do homework at the library. It was 9PM and they had yet to go out for dinner, I had the right to stay indoors for once  seeing how cold it was outside that night.

"Come on, please?" He begged trying to pull his puppy eyes but he ended up looking like a creep. 

"No" I stated dully. 

"Jack, you don't want to hear us fucking, trust me" Zack laughed but I didn't think it was funny at all, all I could think about was watching videos on the cosy couch with a huge blanket over my body. 

"Fuck, Zack. You try going out in this cold!" I protested but he only shook his head.

"Jack, I'm just saying you're going to hear us. It's our anniversary, we're going to do it whether you stay here or not" Zack huffed and left to his room to finish getting ready.

"For fuck sake! You owe me big time!" Fuck, shit, crap. What the hell am I supposed to do now?



I got the cheese pizza out of the oven and burnt my fingertips as I ran into the living room with it in my hands.

"Fuck!" I screamed out in pain and wrapped my hands around the cold Coke can.

"Ah, much better" I sighed in relieve and turned the TV on. Spider-Man came on and I grinned and wiggled my butt on the couch. 

I thought it was going to be a perfect pamper night with one of y favourite movies on TV, comfort food and blankets to keep me warm, until I heard moaning coming from outside the door. 

"Oh, no" I thought. My roommates were my best friends - my very gay and cheesy gay boyfriends, and would usually come home horny and wanting the place for themselves. It was one of those days. 

"Fuck baby" Matt moaned as he unlocked the door and got in. I groaned loudly and they stopped immediately when they saw me sitting on the couch. 

"Out" He said as he walked towards me, Danny's hand in his. 

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