Chapter 12: The Bait

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Neo's POV:

I was taking a stroll through town and had noticed I had been followed. A small figure, a girl in a green cape. I couldn't make out the exact details but I saw she was carrying twin green pistols. I went to an abandoned alley way. So did she.

"What do you want Emerald? I already said no," I said. This harrasement was starting to get on my nerves. I heard her draw her weapons and I put my hand on my umbrella handle, ready to draw my concealed blade.

I had almost no time to react. Before I knew it, she had rushed at me and I barely made it out with a scratch on my sleeve. She was much faster than before. I did a few black flips to gain some distance from her. She used her chain sickles and swung it at all directions. A futile gesture. I jumped and ducked all the swing strikes with my acrobatic skills. I had just got close enough to draw my blade against her. I pulled my blade out but she punched it back in. I noticed her skin tone was white and not her caramel color. Her face became visible and my eyes had widened. Silver and black hair.

"Ruby..." I barely mouthed and knocked down with her fist to my face.

"Capture target. Objective complete," she said in a straight, emotionless voice. She kicked my face and it went black.

Yang's POV:

I had listened to what they had said. My heart was close to shattering. The only thing holding on was being told that I was confronted by my sister who is under some sort of mind control.

"So this guy Scepter killed my sister...I killed him...and now...she's...alive..."

Blake nodded. I was really close to crying and held my chest.

Blake sat closer and took my hand. I took a deep breath and hesistantly breathed out.

"So...what's the plan?" I ask as enthusiastically as I could. If my sister is alive, then that's all I need.

"First, we need to get you drunk," Weiss said.

"What?" they need me to what?

"Ruby came after you in the hospital when you were in a coma. And also when you were at a club alley way, you were drunk, she came after you," Blake said.

That really happened?

"Basically I need to get wasted," I said and sighed. "Ok. Lets hit a bar."

Later that day we got kicked out of every bar there was.

"What the hell!!!" I screamed. "I'm not allowed to any bar there is in Vale!!"

"Well I guess you did cause fights..."

I sigh. "What now?"

"Maybe go to a club?" Nora suggested.

We went to a night club. It was really loud. Damn. Weiss and Pyrrha waited outside. Blake came in with me.

I looked at my shot of vodka.

Just drink it. Blake's voice said in my earpiece. You've done it before.

"Yeah, that was before my amnesia," I said.

Drink it Yang, it may seem uncomfortable but it's the only option we have. Now it was Weiss.

You can do it Yang!! Pyrrha cheered. Encouraging...

I took my first shot and some thing flash in my head.

The shock wave hit her. Immense pain was visibly seen on her. She spewed blood and collapsed. Her face very pale. I watched Weiss hold her crying.... My sister died in front of me...

I blinked a few times. My throat was dry. Something welled in my chest. I saw the bottle in front of me. I grabbed it and drank the entire content. Visions had flooded my head. It was too much. It hurt...

Yang! Are you ok? I took the earpiece out. She was so loud. I grab another bottle and drank it down. I was in so much pain.

Blake's POV:

"Somethings not right. Somethings wrong with Yang," I saw her crying. It had made me sad seeing her in pain. I hate to see her cry.

What's wrong? She's not responding! Weiss said.

Green cloak coming in. I saw a green hood coming in.

"I'm in pursuit," I went behind Ruby. I made sure she didn't know me.

Yang didn't notice. I look at her and how she was in pain. I clench my fist. Ruby grabbed her gun and aimed it at Yang. I drew Gambol Shroud and switched it to gun mode. I shot Ruby but she deflect it with the gun. I attacked her and the club went wild. She kicked me off and jumped around. Kicking and punching me away. Ruby was never this good.

Weiss and Pyrrha came in and pinned her down. I took the hood off and my eyes widened in shock. It wasn't was...


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