Part 1 - Moving out and moving on

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Surely mom and dad can't think I'm okay with this. They're just sat in the front of the car, bopping along to whatever 70's music it is, and Candice is bopping along to whatever crap she's got blasting through those earphones, which I think she needs to turn down a tad. Trey is-... Actually, I don't even know what he's doing. He's got his cell out in front of him, probably texting his pals back in California or several girls all over America. Who knows? And I'm just sat here, in the middle of the backseat of our car, feeling sorry for my little self. But what's not to feel sorry for? Sure, England sounds like a decent place, and I ain't saying it doesn't, but what's wrong with our life here? We got a big house, nice car (At least we get to keep the car), mom and dad have good jobs, a lotta money, I've got plenty of friends, we all do. So why the move to a totally different continent? Midlife crisis?

2 long hours later and we've finally arrived at the airport. Last time I got on a plane, I was heading home from Dubai, not saying goodbye to my whole life. This is one of those big planes that can carry cars as well, I'm not sure how or anything, I didn't bother asking. I've barely spoken to mom and dad over these past few weeks.They keep telling me to stop sulking and make the best of the situation, but why should I? We were going to travel to the UK by boat, but that could take days, even weeks, and would most likely result in me jumping off the side of it to my death, so we decided to pay the extra cost for a plane.

We board the plane and there's three seats on each row on each side, so I sit with Candice and Trey, who wanted to sit by some pretty Canadian girl by the back of the plane, now he's sulking cos mom said no. Not like he has enough girls wrapped around his little finger as it is or anything. I feel sorry for him in a way, and Candice. We've all got to leave everyone behind.

I sit by the window, watching the clouds as we fly past them, you never really realise how beautiful the sky is until you're actually up in it. I feel as if I'm in a movie. The type of movie where the spoilt little rich girl is sent to a school in a totally different place and she has to cope with life there, like in the film Wild child, or like what's happening to me right now.

I can only hope things turn out well in the UK, in my new life. From now on, hope is my new best friend.

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