Chapter 12: Your Turn

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Jason's Point of View

We walked silently home before I helped her climb the fence back into our camp. My next stop was to find a nice knife for her, for our hand to hand combat tomorrow. Honestly this girl wasn't that bad she picks things up quick.

"I'm gonna do my nightly head count see you tomorrow Jason." Sky smiled and I waved bye to her.

I walked down the gravel path before branching into the weapon house. Richard was on hand out duty today.

"Afternoon." I said and he nodded his head once. Just like me he wasn't much for words but he said what needed to be said. When he did finally speak.

I walked inside and walked past some of the smaller pistols to the normal, better ones. I looked amongst the rows of guns before picking up a 92A1 Beretta Pistol. It felt heavy in weight, but will take away most of the recoil. Making it easier on Sky until she gets used to bigger, stronger guns. I crouched down and grabbed a box of bullets for the pistol, along with a black hip and leg holster. I stood up and carried the stuff over to the knives. I selected a black switch blade, before picking everything up and carrying it out the door and to my house. Depending on how well she could handle the gun and combat would determine when she got to choose her own stuff. I have faith in her, she'll do just fine.


I picked the holstered pistol and knife up along with my own. As I walked outside my door and pulled it shut I saw Sky across the road talking to the Nicholson's. Not many are liked by them but she seems to be approved of due to their smiling and laughter. She smiled sweetly and waved goodbye to them before continuing on her way. I chuckled softly before walking into the little patch of woods in the center of the camp. I walked through the brush before I made it to her house. I plopped my butt down on the front porch an fiddled with my knife while I waited on her.


Sky's Point of View

"Whatcha doin?" I asked as I walked closer to my house and saw Jason on my front porch.

"Waiting on you." He smiled. "Ready?"

"Yup let's go." I smiled as he stood up and walked along side me to the fence.

I walked down the path having it pretty much memorized by now. It wasn't long until we had reached the same clearing and the same target that sat in it.

"This is a little different than my gun not by much but a little. Just use it the same way." He said handing me the new pistol and clip.

I loaded it into the gun and took the safety off. I raised my arms just like I've done for the past week or so I've been here at the camp. I looked down to the sight placing it over the bullseye. I held my breath and squeezed the trigger sending the bullet flying.

"Hit." Jason said causing me to smile and relax my arms. "Another bullseye, I think your ready for combat training."

"Now when you say combat what do you mean? What is it in this world?" I asked.

Our heads turned in the direction of the growls that were coming from our right side.

"Your about to find out." He said handing me a knife. "Watch."

He walked up to the first biter that got close to us. Watch for the teeth and arms, don't get bit or scratched. Aim for the head any time you kill one. He grabbed the biters shoulder and turned it around plunging his knife into its head.

"Your turn." He said gesturing to the next infected that shambled out of the woods.

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