Chapter 5: Store

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The sun shines brightly on my sleepy body causing me to stir. I opened my eyes and sat up taking in the area I was currently parked at.

"You've got to be kidding me." I mumbled as I rubbed my face with my hands.

Reality sinking in of what had all a happened last night. I could see the smoke plums coming from burnt and destroyed buildings of the city. I got started my car up and drove down the little back road. Still trying to figure out where in the hell I was. After about a mile in the road I came to a T in the road. Great now which way. I craned my neck to look in both directions trying to decide which one would be best. I sighed as they both looked the same. I turned my wheels to the right and drove. Figuring that left would take me back closer to the city. Dust and pebbles were kicked up and tossed around from my tires as I drove threw the woods. After about ten miles down the old road I stopped at a large wooden sign, that read the name of one of the state parks. I needed to get my bearings and this place shouldn't be to filled with people...hopefully. I drove down the gravel road that lead to a large parking area in front of a small little store. Perfect. Due to the only car here being my own I figured the store would still be stocked. Surely it had to hold something useful. I grabbed my knife and took a deep breath. Before exhaling it and opened the car door slowly. I cautiously walked to the door and scanned my surroundings before pushing it open carefully. I wince at the creaking sound it made as I did. I proceeded into the store and looked around. It was dimly lit but it was enough to see, thankfully. I grabbed a large blue and green hiking bags and walked down the isle filling each one up with everything that was on the shelves. The blue was filled with food and water, the green held a tent,matches, can opener, canteen, blankets, a jacket, a compass, and a swiss army knife since that's all they had. I zipped the bag up when I heard something start to shuffled around the store coming in my direction. I put the blue bag on my back and carried the green one in my left hand while I held my knife up in my right. I started in the direction I thought was the front only to come face to face with one of the infected...things. I gasped as it snarled and reached out for me. I darted backwards a step or two before I was able to spin around and run the other way. I scanned the store the best I could trying to find the door in the dark. Finally a crack in the floor caught my eye, I grabbed the door handle and yanked open the door. I ran as fast as I could with the weight on my back and in my one hand. I opened the door to my car and jumped inside throwing the stuff in the backseat after I closed the door and locked them all. I put my seat belt on and put the knife in the console before starting the car up and spinning around and heading out the gravel road once again.

Rule One: Always know your way out.

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