Line 33 / Part 4

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Victor beamed with happiness for and pride of his young friend. "I am thrilled about your experience and insight. You are truly special to see things so clearly at such a young age! Believe me, you will get far. I don't say it's always going to be easy in the same way this process of arriving at the root of your unwholesome feelings wasn't easy. But trust me, protecting faulty views and justifying them, in other words keeping up a façade, requires a substantial amount of energy. Much more than what you need to expend for the process of transformation! You so desperately needed your father to be your hero that you blinded yourself to the fact that he is just another human being, warts and all, as my friend Mirra would say. I really hope you can meet her one day." Victor paused to check on Julia's reaction.

But she was still so relaxed and at peace with herself and her world that she never even blinked. Not a single fear, not a hint of a neurotic thought existed for her in these precious moments of healing. "I guess that would be nice. By now I'm fairly sure your friends must be fantastic! But tell me, why would I do such a thing? I mean the hero stuff. That is so not fair and then I'm the one complaining about massive expectations!" She couldn't help but giggle again at the absurdity of it all.

"The reason is simple. When you were a very young child you depended on that view for your actual survival, which in turn makes it that much harder to see what is really going on later. But now that you have bravely confronted the monster of wrong perception you can let go of your anger - at least in regards to your parents' divorce. Of course it is likely for other occasions to arise, different problems so to speak, which will force you to face truth. However, the seed of today's experience can be nurtured until it grows into a strong supporting plant in the garden of your life, making the process easier and easier each time. But what has greatest relevance right now is that with releasing your father from the role of hero your visit will be so much more fun for you all!"

Julia played with the zipper of her jacket, moving it up and down trying to hit exactly one more tooth on each time up, something she did to help her focus. "You know Victor, I really think I wanna go back home to Fragrant Meadows. I mean it's not that I don't love my dad anymore or anything - I probably love him more. But as you pointed out, the clarity that comes with being unburdened from cooked-up lies and justifications brings a gift - you called it freedom of choice, the ability to choose from the vast ocean of endless possibilities. So now that I'm no longer driven to make mom a she-demon and dad a hero-savior I can just see how much fun I'd have babysitting Fiona and helping Claire around the house while during all of it I might have to watch how unhappy dad still is."

"Hmm. Once again you are confusing me dear," said Victor slowing down for a stop sign coming into sight a few hundred yards ahead. "Entirely unplanned and unexpected you take your insight to the next level, which is understanding that while seeing truth, everywhere everything all the time is nothing but abundant cause for fun, yet now you don't want to go there anymore?"

"Whatever you say, my friend from outer space!" Julia smiling. "I was sarcastic. I mean now I can see how being there would be no fun at all and that's why I go back to spend the year at grandma's. Maybe it's not so bad to have what Kellie calls 'a grandmother with a mansion in the country.' At least I'm sure I won't have to do dishes or watch 'Sesame Street' with a three-year-old."

"Well then, I suppose this is good-bye for now," said Victor, bringing the taxi to a full stop.

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