Pic of Annabell above 👆 or to the side 👉
My name is Annabell Princeton. I am the only one of my kind. The year is 3236 A.D. I can levitate things and control people's emotions. I can raise the dead. I don't know why I have these powers or how I got them. All I know is that my parents didn't want me and I've never been outside this compound. Something big is about to happen I can feel it. As I turn my head I see my door standing wide open. It's never been open like so before. A person in black clothes stands in the door way with his face covered. He reaches his hand towards me and lifts is head to say something,"A-"
I awake from my dream to the sound of my metal door scraping against the white tile floor. I sit up and mentally prepare myself for the task ahead. 'Come on Annabell!!! You've got this!!! You've been ready forever now!!!' I think to myself.
Today was the big experiment. I'll be let outside of my room to see how well I can control my abilities.
Ever since I can remember I've been locked up inside my room which contains a few everyday objects.
In the corner of the room, where I am sitting, is my bed. It's an iron frame with a spring mattress and feather pillows. The blanket is a checker patterned quilt with colorful patches. In the other corner is an old metal chair I sit in for testing. A door on the right wall leads to a bathroom with nothing but a sink, mirror, bathtub and toilet. My room is white and the only other color in it is the metal and iron objects in my room. There are no windows and one clock on the wall.
The experiments the doctors run on me are done in my room and I've never seen anything but my room.
I look over to see only one scientist standing there. Strange..... He sits a stack of clothes in the metal chair.
"Annabell," he began,"You will not go outside today. Instead we will do a more detailed test. The faculty thought it best for you to stay inside for a while longer."
'Breath. Breath,' I tell myself. I had to stay calm. One wrong move and I'll never go outside.
"I'll be back in a minute" he says.
As soon as he leaves I flop back down on my bed and scream in my pillow. It's a very childish thing to do but I can't help it. I've been dreaming to leave forever now. After one more scream and a quick punch, I begin to get ready. I through on the light blue skinny jeans and dark grey long sleeved shirt. My black and white converse sit under my bed on the floor, I reach for them and soon through them on as well. I sit down on the chair and wait for the doctors to come while trying to calm myself down.
I begin to think,'Calm down, calm down. As long they don't tell you that you can never go outside you'll be fine. Relax. So what if you've never seen the sun? It's not like it's a big deal or anything. Of course it's a big deal!!!!! Are you insane!!! You have never seen the dang sun in your entire life of 18 years!!! What kind of life is that!?! Not one, that's what!!!! Calm down! No! Yes! No! Ye-' my arguing is stopped by the door opening and a team of 6 or 7 scientists enter.
I quickly sit up straight and let them set up for the test.
"First we will begin with the ordinary procedures and then we will move on to the next phase of the new test," the main scientists states.
The others begin to inject needles into my skin. I count about 4 needles in my body. One in my left inner elbow is drawing blood. One in the right inner elbow is putting a numbing solution in me. Another on my left tricep is putting a sterilizing substance through my blood stream to kill off all fighting bacteria. On my right tricep is another numbing solution. I watch another doctor pick up a large shot full of a green liquid I have never seen before.
He walks up behind me and puts the needle in the back of my neck. I stiffen at the pain of it but the head doctor tells me to relax so I quickly calm down. For some strange reason, it took less time to calm myself.
That's when I realized what the green liquid was: a knock out serum and power remover. I had about 30 seconds until the full effects kick in. Right now it's only drowsiness and numbness. I try to stand up to get somewhere but they push me back down. I don't know why I feel the need to run but I can't shake the feeling that something bad would happen if I didn't leave now. 10 seconds. I try to scream at them to stop but I can't make any noise. 5 seconds. I'm now kicking as well as I can with the over whelming need for rest and the numbness in the legs and arms. They start to tape wires to my skin to measure my heart rate and other things. 3 seconds. The head doctor is blurring in and out of focus as I try to stay awake, but I manage to make out most of what he's saying.
"We have come to the conclusion that you are no longer needed for our experiments. Only your brain, heart, lungs, and blood are needed. We will now begin." He quickly states, like it is not a matter of pure emergency.
'No. No no no no no no no!!!! This is not supposed to happen!!! I haven't seen the sun or anything other than these walls!!!! Let me out!!!!' I think.
1 second. Gun shots fire and I here screams fading in and out. My eyes begin to droop from exhaustion as my the serum fills my veins.

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