Chapter 3 - The Disaster!

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We attended the history class together. It was a boring period after all! 'Trrrr.rrr ' the bell rang and I was the first one to stand up instantly! There were two reasons why I did that!

1. The class was utterly boring!
2. I was extremely hungry!

I packed my bag hurriedly and of course waited for Steve to pack his! We hurried to the cafeteria! Thanks to our speed.. The line was short! There was ginger bread and cheese pasta for lunch! I loved it!

"Whoa! Slow down there, will you? I know your hungry and all but eating like that will block your throat! Here.. Have some water!"

He said to me grinning and trying hard not to laugh! He was really getting protective and caring. I felt as if we were best friends and that's what he told me. I know its just a day and too soon to judge but the bonding grew so fast.. I couldn't look back and see where we stood!

We enjoyed the day and it was almost time to go home! I grew all the more excited to tell my aunt all of today's experience! I walked with Steve till the gate and for my surprise, Steve's dad was talking to my aunt!

We rushed towards the car where they were standing and both of them greeted us!

"Hey darling! How was your day? Wow.. I can see you've made friends! Hi Steve! How are you?" , my aunt exclaimed!

"Well.. Hello Steve! How was your day?" Steve's dad greeted him!

Of course we were startled to know that the both of them knew each other! Not only that.. But the both were Business partners! We were really happy!

Both of us bid goodbye as we got into our respective cars! On the way.. I narrated everything to my aunt except the gossip thing! Didn't want her to get tensed now, did I?

The rest of the day went on with all my homework!

After a few weeks I really started liking school. The only reason was Steve! He was a great friend and trust me nothing more! Yes, even he had the same feelings for me!

Though we were not really love birds.. We became the schools coolest gang ( a lame word to use when we're just two in the gang!) .

We never gave up on each other! We would kick anyone's ass for each other! We became the bad ass! The same thing continued!

Now on the other hand, Linda and her friends hated me..uh..sorry 'Us'! Yeah.. We were targeted always! But we didn't care.

Steve was a tech-genius! He loved gadgets and did wonders with it! He once hacked Linda's Facebook account and did some real payback to her and her friends because they tried to push me in the corridor!

Everything was going normal when suddenly one day Sherry came up to me to talk! Linda and her friends were right behind sucking their lollipops! I knew something was fishy. But still, I did not really say anything soon enough as I was not completely sure!

"Why the hell are you spreading lies Rosette? When did I speak of dating you? And who the hell do you think you are huh? A beautiful Princess? Look at your ugly face!! Who would want to date an ugly girl like you? You are such a bi...", he started shouting at me in a very loud voice which was very irritating when interrupted and asked him,

"Hey..What are you speaking of? I just don't get it! D..D..Date you? When did I say that and why the hell would I say that? And I'm not crazy enough to date a mean guy like you!" I said when Linda interrupted saying "I would!"

I was so damn sure it was Linda's prank! But I did not speak a single word! All I did was tell him he was wrong and walked away! Since that day, I hated him and Linda though I didn't really see them much!

The next day I heard of Linda being grounded for getting caught smooching with a boy!

Hell yeah! It was Steve's evil but cute job! Well she deserved it! We spared Sherry since he was not really involved because all he did was react to Linda's stupid rumour! But still.. I hated him and he hated me! To sum it up... There was mutual hatred!


Hey all you wonderful readers... Thank you so much for reading this chapter. I know Steve's kinda getting closer to Rosette... But don't worry! They're just friends... Or are they more? Find out in the next chapter! Please voice out your opinions by commenting and please vote. Thank you!

Sorry guys.. I'll be updating the next chapter the next week... Got exams! But don't worry! I've got something awesome for you in the next chapter!


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