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It was your annual phan(y/n) games night at Dan and Phil's apartment and Dan had just brought the popcorn in and of corse phil ha already started munching his way through the bowl before dan had even put it on the table.
The first game has been decided by Rock Paper Scissors and Dan had chosen Mario cart. Yes you thought you are only the best Mario cart player in the world. The game began and Dan was in first phil was in 5th and you were slowly coming up behind Dan
"(Y/N) what do you think your doing?!" Dan shouts

"I'm coming to kick your sorry little ass"

"I don't think so Baby"

Meanwhile phil was pouting because he had just fallen off the map and was now in 12th place

YESSSSSSS you screamed you had just taken over Dan and were coming up to the finish line

"Noooooooo (Y/N)". Dan screamed

You had won!!

Phil stropped off to get more popcorn, he had finished the bowl already!

"You won and as your prize you get a visit from the tickle monster" Dan said edging closer to you.
You backed away eventually hitting your back on the wall dan approaches and starts to tickle you until you are literally screaming for him to stop.   He eventually stops and places a soft kiss on your lips making you feel all fuzzy inside.
"Next time you won't be so desperate to win "Said Dan
"If that happens at the end maybe I will always win... Wait I do anyway!"
You are both rolling around on the floor laughing phil walks in with more popcorn face palms and walks out, that causes you and Dan to laugh more practically wetting yourselves.

Thank you all for reading my first imagine in this book.
It might not be my best but I hope to improve.
Thanks for reading.

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