Chapter 2

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Jesus, that girl was annoying. Couldn't she see that all I wanted to be was left alone? I mean, yeah, she was hot, and yeah she was the first girls to talk to me in years, but, I don't get to know anyone.

I make my way to my locker and see her again. God!! 

She is everywhere. I walk past her but hear her footsteps.

"Is there something you want?" I asked annoyed.

"Don't give me the attitude. I just came to give this book back that you left behind."

"Well, someone was sitting one it. You can keep it. I don't need it."

And with that, I walked outside and toward my apartment.


Once again I walked into an empty place. It was always like that. My parents wasn't around, and I didn't care. Why would I? They sold me off to a 'pimp'.

I sat down and looked around This was the only place that felt safe to me. There was a knock on the door and I went to answer it. She was standing there again. I groaned internally.

"Didn't I tell you that you could keep the book?"

Yeah you did, but that wouldn't be right. Besides, I have this book already. I never thought that a guy would ever read Pride and Prejudice."

"That's me, a weird dude that likes to read romantic books and I don't talk to anyone. No, I'm going to close the door." I went to close it, but she stopped it in mid-swing.

"No, I want to get to get know you."

"Why? Did Mark put you up to this? I tell you everything and then you tell him, and then he tells the whole school. Well forget it."

"I don't know who Mark is, but I would never do that to anyone. Please, you look like you need someone to hang out with."

"Don't you have school?"

"I have no classes just like you...well that's what I think because you are home."

I opened the door the rest of the way, "Fine, come in, just don't touch anything."

She smiled sweetly and walked past me. Great, I have a person in my place. What next will happen? Me with a girl friend? I laughed at that thought.

I closed the door and walked toward her. This is going to be so fun! Note the big sarcasm.


God, make it stop!! Please make it stop!

For the last hour Elizabeth hasn't stopped talking. She has talked about her old school, friends, family, and everything else. The only thing that I really talked about was books.

She finally stopped talking and was just looking at me. Her stare was unnerving, I looked away and gulped.

"You haven't really talked that much. Why?" she asked me.

I sighed,"I don't really talk to people. I don't really like that many people. "

"Then why are you letting me be here? I mean if you don't like people then why did you even let me in here?"

"I don't really know. Maybe I thought if I let you talk to me then you would leave me alone."

"Let's be friends."

"Why would I want to be my friend?"

"Okay, lets make a deal."

"What kind of deal?"I asked, finally looking at her.

"If a month goes by and you still don't want to be freinds or if we can't stand each other then, we will mever have to talk to each other ever again."

I thought for a minute, realizing that this was easy to win,"Fine, but I have to worn you, I don't warm up to people."

She stood up and smiled," And I don't give up that easily. I have your number, I'll text you later."

And with that she walked out the door. What have I gotten myself into? This is going to be one weird month with that girl.

(hey guys, hope you like this chapter, and if you don't please tell me. and if you have any ideas that you want to see happen then tell me. please. love you guys!!!!! :D)

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