Chapter 1

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"Dork!" someone said behind me. I just ignored them. It happens everyday in my school.

I make my way to my locker, ignoring the looks along the way. Once there I take my headphones out and heard some girls gossip.

"Did you hear there's a new student? " some annoying girl said.

(Please take note I hate girls)

"Oh, I hope it's a hot guy! We need some new meet here!" said girl number two.

I groaned, and put my headphones in. God, I hate people. They always let you down. I sit down in my seat in the back. I covered my head with my hood and sink down, hoping no one would come talk to me.


I made my way down the empty hall heading to my first class....math. I hate math.

When I walked into the room, everyone looked at me. One pair of green eyes caught my attention, especially with his hood up. I handed my schedule to the teacher and he told me to take the only seat to the guy with the green eyes.

He didn't say anything, just say there looking at the board. I just sat there, looking at him, and hearing his music.

Never once did the teacher call on him, and never once did he start talking to any one of his freinds. Once the teacher finished talking he just got out a book and started to read.

I felt something poke me, I turned and saw a girl smiling at me, "What?"

"You don't want to get involved with him. He's the loser of the school. " she hissed.

"What's his name?"

"Marcus Black. Doesn't talk to anyone, doesn't even hang with anyone."

"Why doesn't he talk to anyone?"

"No one knows. no one cares either. By the way I'm Jessica, but everyone calls me Jes."

"I'm Elizabeth. "

"I'm going to call you Liz! "


By lunch, I had met more people, all sweet and saying the same of Marcus. But I didn't listened to any of them.

I say him sitting by himself, his nose stuck in another book. I walked over to him and poked him. He didn't even look at me, just kept reading his stupid book! So I took the book and sat on it.

"Sorry, but can I have my book back?"

Oh my God, his voice it's so deep and yet so soft.

I shake my head, "Sorry, but, hell no. I want to talk to you and it's rude to ignore people."

He stared at me , "You want to talk to me? Why?"

"I think you could use a friend."

Sorry, but I don't want one, not now or ever. Can I just get my book back."

"Nope, you're going to talk to me. I'm Elizabeth, by the way."

He just stared at me for a minute. Then he got up,"As I said, I don't want a friend. You can keep that book, I have others. And I think you know my name."

And with that, he walked away from me.

I huffed. He is going to be some work! I took his book from where I sat on it. God, he was reading my favorite book, Pride and Prejudice.

(hey this is my first book, I would lobe to hear what you think! I don't care if you hate it, please tell me! and if you guys want anything to happen then let me know what it is! please, I want to know :D♥♥♥)

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