Chapter 1

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Sorry it took so long to get this up guys! I have a really bad habit of procrastinating...

~2 years ago~

It's my birthday. Who would have thought I would make it this far? I certainly didn't, especially not while living here. I never even dreamed that I would make it to my sixteenth birthday, I figured I'd be six feet under by now or at least out on the streets. But no, I'd survived 16 years in this hellhole with the treacherous Blood Moon Pack. 

Now when I say that I live with the Blood Moon Pack, I mean that I live in the Pack House, more specifically, in a cell below the Pack House. These people don't care for me, I doubt they would even know I existed if they didn't use me as their personal slave and punching bag. The worst thing is though, that the two people who are meant to stop things like this happening, are the ones who do it the most. 

Alpha Doug, Luna Barbra and their daughter Pricilla are the worst people I have ever met.  They are the ones who started my beatings all because I dared to be different. It was in grade two when people started to notice something was different, I was too smart. The school kept on letting me skip grades and by my 15th birthday I had graduated from High School as that years valedictorian. 

They didn't like an orphan being smarter than everyone else so they locked me up and made me do all of Pricilla’s work so she could look clever. I've learnt to hide the things that make me different now, though it's not that hard to do considering I live away from everyone anyway. But it still doesn't hide the fact that I obviously have a dead werewolf gene.

The Blood Moon Pack is a Pack of Werewolves and I'm the only one of age that cannot shift. It sucks.

Now, where are my parents you ask? Well, that's not as easy to explain because I don't know. I was told that they abandoned me here, but I've learnt not to believe what the wolves around here say. I have no memory of my parents, just random gifts that appear out of nowhere, like my small cross-bow, silver moon necklace and as of a few minutes ago, a book. I crawl over to the new object that has appeared in the small bit of moonlight in the right corner of my cell. I liked these gifts, they showed that someone out there cares and hasn’t forgotten about me down here.

The book had a beautiful intricate design on the front made up from Ferns and swirling patterns that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight. The book had no writing on the front but had a delicate wooden lock that kept the book closed with no means that I could see to open it. I reached out to touch the book and lightly trace the design on the front when suddenly the cellar door opened. I quickly slid the book over to my makeshift bed (it was just a blanket) and prepared myself for what was probably another beating.

“YOU LITTLE BITCH WHAT DID YOU DO?!” Pricilla’s shrieked at me as she came down the steps in 8-inch high heels, mini-skirt and a tiny shirt that barely covered anything. The Alpha would kill her if he saw her right now.

“What do you mean?” I asked politely, not really caring.

“WHERE ARE MY PINK STILLETOS?” God, her voice was annoying.

“How would I know? I haven’t gone into the pack house since this morning.”  I replied irritated that she would blame me for stealing her ugly shoes.

“I KNOW YOU TOOK THEM! NOW GIVE THEM BACK BEFORE I TELL DADDY!”  Ugh, she was such a daddy’s girl.

“Did you leave them in Jason’s room?” I replied.

She paused for a second, looking for something to say as she realised that that was what had happened.

“How did you know I was with him?! And don’t you dare tell anyone!” she snapped at me.

“I saw you sneaking out of his room this morning with I was doing the Laundry.” I lied, I wasn’t about to tell her that I could hear what they had been doing from down here.

She narrowed her eyes at me before huffing and clicking her way out of the cellar, probably to go get her shoes back. She’s lucky that her dad is oblivious to her relationship with Jason, otherwise I’d probably have a cell mate. That was the only thing that Pricilla wasn’t allowed, a boyfriend. The Alpha wanted her to save herself for her mate who he was convinced, was going to be a very powerful Alpha that had lots of money so that they could join packs and have powerful heirs.

I sighed, Pricilla wasn’t going to like it when her dad tells her that she has to visit all the most powerful packs over summer instead of going to Bali like the rest of her classmates. I, of course, would not be attending. I only knew thanks to my heightened hearing.

I went over to my make-shift bed and looked at the book again though I realised that it was unlocked. I cautiously opened it to the front page and saw a message written addressed to me.

Dear Lily,

       We are sorry that we could not be there while you grew up and that we cannot be there for you while you make your first shift. Yes, that’s right, you are going to shift. You are very special Lily, and no one can know what you are. You my daughter are a Soul Shifter, the last of their kind. You are destined to bring peace and balance to this world. Your Grandmother was a Soul Shifter and told me that the gene would be passed down to you, but she wasn’t the only one who knew. The Soul Shifters had enemies, enemies that wiped them out only weeks after your birth. Please forgive us for sending you away, it was the only way to protect you and the only way there was a chance for you to succeed. You are extremely special Lily and we hope that one day you will find us.

This book was your Grandmothers, she left it to you and only you can read its contents. It will help you learn everything you need to know about Soul Shifters and what they stand for. It will also, along with your cross-bow and necklace, protect you from your enemies.

We wish you luck on your journey and long the day that we will see each other again.


                                                                                                                                     Your Parents.

I slowly put the book down, trying to process what I had just read.

Then the pain hit.

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