Chapter 4

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"Who are you? Why am I here? Where am I?" I asked as I went to jump off the bed before my legs got tangled in the sheets and I fell to the floor with a thud.

I heard rushed footsteps as the man came towards me.

"Whoa, are you okay?" His deep voice asked me, sounding worried and slightly amused.

Falling onto the ground I realised that I was 1. in human form 2. completely naked.

I shrieked and wrapped myself up in the sheet and started to slowly back myself into the corner. I took a look at the man in front of me. He was very tall, had shoulder length wavy golden hair and was very muscular. But it was those eyes, I recognised them from somewhere.

"Why aren’t I wearing any clothes? What did you do to me?" I asked shakily, looking around me unnervingly.

"I'll answer your questions in a second but first I want to know your name and what you are doing in my territory." he spoke with authority, but his Alpha power had no effect on me.

"My name is Lily and I was escaping from my old pack. I did not know this was your territory. Now answer my questions." I stated firmly, pulling the sheet closer to me and standing up straight.

His eyes narrowed slightly, "I am the Leader of the Blue Ocean Pack, my name is George. You are currently in one of the guest rooms in my house, and you are here because you passed out from exhaustion.  You aren't wearing any clothes because when you shifted back your clothes got wet and they are currently being washed. Now tell me why were you running away from your pack?"

"I was a slave there, I was treated like sh*t. I had every right to escape." I said, turning to look outside the window at the sea.

"What do you mean slave? Packs don't run like that - What is on your shoulder?" He suddenly got side tracked and started to walk quickly towards me.

I turned to face him and pulled the sheet so it covered my shoulders. "It's a birth mark."

There was a glint in his eye that I couldn't quite decipher before his hand suddenly reached out and turned me around so he could get a good look at my shoulder. I struggled to get out of his grip and was about to escape when the door opened behind me.

"George! What are you doing?" a female voice asked from behind me.

"Brianna, it's not what it looks like seriously." he said quickly, removing his hands and stopping his mission to see my birthmark.

I turned around to see who this rose women was, and I wasn't impressed. Fake blonde hair, fake boobs, fake nails, revealing clothing and way too much make-up. I think her and Pricilla would make good friends.

"Hi, Rose is it? Can you maybe get me some clothes? It's a bit uncomfortable in this sheet and I would like to get out of your hair as soon as I can." I said glaring at George, not paying attention to the girl I was ordering about.

"George! Are you gonna let her speak like that to me!" Her whiney voice screeched.

"Brianna just do it," He said in a hard voice.

She huffed and left the room stomping her feet as she went.

As soon as the door closed I was thrown against the wall with an arm against my back.

"Who are you?" He asked me, a dangerous glint in his eye while his arm pressed further into my back.

I sighed and rolled my eyes before shoving away from the wall moving his arm out of the in the process.

"I've already told you, my name is Lily."  His eyes tightened as he stared at me in disbelief that I had gotten out of his grip so easily.

"No, that is your name. Who are you? You aren't just some lower pack member."

"I don't know, I never knew my parents. Now can I please just have some clothing?!" I said exasperated.

As if on cue a handsome young man walked in with a bundle of clothing.

"Please excuse this grumpy sod, he didn't get his breakfast and seems to have forgotten his manners. I have brought you some clothes that you can wear for the time being." the new comer said with a smile.

"And when you are done getting dressed I'll show you around." He swung an arm around my shoulders and I stiffened trying to remember that it wasn’t an aggressive move.

"Jace, get out." George said in a short voice, glaring at the man who I know had a name for.

"Wow, man you're acting like John did once he found his ma-Wait! Is she your mate? Congrats man! I guess I should have known I would be too late for this lov-" Jace had removed his arm and gone to congratulate his friend.

"He is not my mate! He is an idiot!"

"She is not my mate! She's my sister!"

Me and George both spoke at the same time and it took me a moment to realise what he had just said.


I faintly heard Jace shout out at the same time.

And for the first time in my life I fainted.


“Mwicki!! Can you gwive me a pwiggy back wide?” I asked the boy standing in front of me with a ball at his feet.

Micki looked at me and sighed. “Come on then, sweetheart. Up you get.” I squealed in excitement and jumped on his back.

“Let’s go then you little monster! Will you be my lucky charm princess?” he asked as he started to slowly kick the ball to himself slowly.

“Hey! That’s not fair! Now we can’t tackle you!” one of the four other boys complained.

“Here we go, princess!” Micki started to run towards the goal and kicked the ball straight into the net.

“SCORE!!!!!! THAT’S HOW YOU DO IT!” Micki jumped about in celebration while hugging me to his chest.

“You’re my lucky charm now, Sweetheart. I’m never gonna let you go now!”


I'm sorry!!!! I know it was terrible I will try and make it up to you guys.



Soul Shifter [ON HOLD]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ