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I never understood why everyone needs to fit into what society's standards are; I mean, each and every person is different in their own special way. But, no one seems to think like this anymore. The genuine get pushed away and bullied, and the fake are loved for what they aren't. The sad part is; no one tries to stop it. It'll all unfold before our eyes with no intervention. Adults are essentially clueless in this situation, too. They believe what their children have to say, and usually, the kids will lie their way out so they aren't the ones with a target on them. It's sickening. My mom always says to just tell the truth; that I'll be in way less trouble if I just tell the truth. Hah, right, but she has a point, and I always have done so ever since.

The standards that I have to live up to are getting higher and higher, and it makes me want to explode. An academic life, a social life. a drama life; so many things piling up and I'm just in high school. I feel like no one accepts me anymore. I'm loved by some, but I'm hated by many. So, what do I do to solve it?

I put on a mask; a mask of everything I wish I was. No one, not even my best of friends, knows the true side of me, the real me, and it's hard to keep it this way. I wanna just take off this freaking mask, but to protect myself from those around me, I must keep it on. Underneath this mask, is something that needs to stay hidden.

Underneath the mask of everything people think I am... is my true self. I am not human. I wasn't born on this Earth; I come from a family known as the Aeons. "Aeon" in English means "for eternity."  But, the ironic thing about its meaning is sort of why I'm here now.

Our home planet, Teleos, was going to be destroyed by our enemies, the Papyris. From what I can remember, only about twenty families were able to escape to this planet, Earth, before the invasion of the Papyris.

I know my life on my home planet never is going to be eternal; I'm stuck on this Earth forever, and this mask is going to be eternally what I am known for here. I never will get to be able to be my true self.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2013 ⏰

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