Chapter Four: Fall to Pieces

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A numbness had spread through me at some point during the packing process. Between taking down my posters of Paramore, Escape the Fates and My Darkest Days and boxing my endless supply of British Literature, I switched to autopilot. I didn't really register what I was doing.

This would be the last time I would be in this room. I remembered painting the walls purple with dad-and the paint fight that followed ending with me accidentally getting paint in his eye. We avoided pinkeye thanks to some amazing eyewash that was handy. On the door were faded pencil marks, of when mom charted how much I grew year after year.

A warm hand brushed against my cheek, startling out of my thoughts. I blinked, meeting familiar storm cloud eyes.

"Sebastian," I gasped flinching away from his hand.

He frowned, reaching out again, this time I didn't back away. His thumb traced lightly against my cheek. He lifted it away to show me the drop of water there.

"You're crying," he murmured, as if it upset him.

What a crying fiancé, my sardonic subconscious sneered.

"I-I'm sorry. I-I don't know why . . ."

"Shh," he said, bring one of his large hands to my hair, his fingers combing through its tangled mass. Ugh, when was the last time I showered? "It's okay. You know you didn't have to do this yourself-that's what movers are for."

"Bu-but I wanted to," I stuttered. "It wouldn't be right . . . to let strangers just go through their things . . ."

"I can understand. Are you ready to go? We have a bit of a drive."

I hesitated. This . . . everything was happening so quickly. It was maddening. I took a look around the room, feeling like a castaway in the middle of a storm. Sebastian reached down, slowly, carefully, as if I were a skittish clot or a piece of priceless china, taking ahold of my hand in his.

"This isn't good bye, Ellery." He whispered, slipping a price of paper into my hand.

I looked down, lifting the crisp page to my face, unfolding it carefully. My heart leapt. "Is this . . .? Sebastian, you didn't . . . Did you?"

"I bought it," he said with a warm smile. "I know how much this place means to you. When you turn eighteen I will contact my lawyers about having the deed put in your name."

My hands shook, my eyes stung as my tears ran anew. "Thank you," I gulped, throwing my arms around him. "You don't know what this means to me."

Sebastian was tense in my arms. His body slowly relaxed and he returned my embrace half heartedly. "I'm glad you're happy. Now," he said, releasing me, offering his arm to me. "Shall we?"

I nodded, taking it. I clutched the deed in the other as we set down the stairs.


The drive to the city was strained. Sebastian drove his Ferrari with a fierce look of concentration on his face that I was hesitant to strike up a conversation. The only salvation from the awkwardness of the situation came when my phone started to ring.

I swiped the screen, my heart fell when I saw who it was. Jake. Again. I hit the message app, scanning his messages.

*Babe r u ok?*

*Elle talk 2 me*

*I said I was sorry*

I had been dodging his texts and calls since the funeral. With a sigh I wrote back.

*it isn't about u being sorry*

His reply was instantaneous;

*then what is it*

*u weren't there when I needed u*

It felt wrong having this conversation over text. I was almost tempted to call Jake, but the idea of having your 'fiancé' listen in while talking to your boyfriend was just a bit too morbid for my taste.

*i kno i kno I am sorry*

*i don't want us to fight Elle*

I sighed heavily, turning my phone off. Leaning my head against the cool glass of the window I gaze out it, watching as the scenery rushes up to meet me.

"Everything all right?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin. I looking over, find Sebastian glancing at me. I'd almost forgotten he was in the car with me.

"Peachy keen," I say as I grabbed my bag, shoving my phone inside.

"Ah, relationship problems."

I froze. Looking up at him, I wasn't sure what his feelings were. Was he mad? Or . . . or something else? Sebastian glanced at me, catching my bewildered expression a grin broke across his face.

"It's fine, Ellery. I didn't really expect you to be single at your age. I would have been shocked if you didn't have someone," Sebastian explained. "So, is it because of . . . us?"

Us. It was mind boggling that there was an us. I shook my head.

"No. He doesn't even know about . . . us. No, it's just that Jake, um, my kind of boyfriend, along with all my friends . . . none of them even bothered to show up at the funeral."

"None of them?" Sebastian echoed as he turned down off the freeway. "Did they give you a reason?"

"No-I haven't heard from any of them, except for Jake. It's like I'm some kind of pariah."

Sebastian was silent for several long moments. I watched him, wishing I knew what he was thinking.

"Elle, some people . . . they just don't know how to handle death. It scares them."

"But I needed them," I found myself saying, even as more tears started to well in my eyes. "I needed someone."

I dissolved into sobs. Loud, wet, blabbering waterworks. Before I knew what was happening, Sebastian had pulled to the side of the road. The next thing I knew, he was there, holding me. I held onto him as if he were my lifeline in the tempest. He let me cry, not saying a word. I cried for myself, for my parents and for Sebastian-because he was stuck in the same fucked up boat as me. I didn't feel ashamed or embarrassed. I felt . . . cleansed.

It was only after I had ceased crying that he pulled away. With his thumb, he brushed my tears away. I gulped back my tears, taking in a shaking breath.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"Hey," he said giving me a teasing smile. "What else is a fiancé good for?"

I balked in surprise-then I was laughing. Full on giggling. I think I may have snorted. Sebastian joined in, grinning as he steered the Ferrari back onto the highway.

If anything, I thought as I smiled to myself. I will have gained a good friend out of all of this.

I could only hope.

__________________Author's Note______________________

Updates to my left, updates to my right! It's raining updates-hallelujah! I am writing this at exactly 1:32 A.M. I'm up too late :( But yay! New chapter! I promise there will be love and happiness coming soon! But right now, Ellery needs to mourn and wrap her head around the Sebastian package.

Speaking of Sebastian-you like? I do believe he will have a tortured past. I wish I could post this now-but no! No Internet or wifi for me! I've written a chapter for H&H, W. O. R., Illusions, and I guess Midnight Roses is next.

Speaking of which do y'all like the cover art???? I was at my friends house, he had wifi so I decided to get a bunch of photo apps and made this. I like it :3 better than the icky plain one. Everyone should comment, follow and vote if they agree!

Well, u should vote cuz u like this chapter and comment just so u can get me to write more. Following has the same affect.

Bye! See ya in ch5 guys

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