"Not everything" Dipper sat back down at his desk,

"I know everything though~" Bill purred to the young male,

"And what does that change?" Dipper asked the demon, as he reopened his sketch book,

"That you need someone to be your psychiatrist~" Bill laid his head on Dippers head watching him draw,

"No I don't," Dipper mumbled,

"Yes you do, those cuts aren't gonna help either," Bill poked Dippers arm, knowing what was under the sleeves were cuts, fresh and old, some turned into scar's, the demon didn't want to admit to the boy but he was really concerned for him,

"Ugh, fine, but you already know, I feel depressed, betrayed, and pissed off, okay?! There I said it, I'm not feeling the same as I used to," Dipper broke his pencil by pressing to hard, causing him to growl and sharpen his pencil,

"Hm, I knew you would be like this after the incident, but gee kid I didn't know you'd be this depressed," Bill tapped his chin in thought,

"It's fine.." Dipper whispered,

"What's fine?" Bill asked,

"I'm fine..." Dipper said a little more louder,

"No, your not," Bill exclaimed

"Yes. I am." Dipper looked up at the demon, glaring,

"Your body says otherwise, Your tired, but won't sleep, you hurt yourself, and you barely eat." Bill poked Dippers shoulder,

"Okay, just stop," Dipper whined, "I'm tired, and I want to just draw, okay?" Dipper asked tapping his sketch book with his pencil,

"Okay, but I'm not leaving, its to boring in the mindscape," Bill flouted over to Dippers bed and sat down,

"Fine, not a problem to me as long as you don't mess with anything in this room," Dipper continued to draw,

After a few minutes Bill started to automatically hum a tune, and then he started to whisper a song, then singing more louder,

"It's like a storm, that cuts a path,
It brakes your will, it feels like that,
you think your lost, But your not lost on your own,
Your not alone, I will stand by you, I will help you through,
When you've done all you can do, and can't cope,
I will dry your eyes, I will fight your fright,
I will hold you tight, and I won't let go.....
It hurts my heart to see you cry, well I know its dark,
This part of life, oh, it finds us all, finds us all,
But were to small to stop the rain, oh when it rains,
I will stand by you, I will help you through,
When you've done all you can do, and you can't cope
I will dry your tears..."

Bill stopped when he heard a sniffle from the younger male, he looked at Dipper to see him trying to stay quiet, biting down on his lip, and tears rolling down his cheeks like waterfalls,

"Pine Tree?" Bill asked concerned, did he do something wrong? Why was he crying? Was it something he said?

Bill floated over to him, seeing tears fall onto the paper, Bill tapped Dippers shoulder, making Dipper stop all movement, and look up at Bill, as tears kept falling Bill embraced Dipper in a hug,

For once Dipper hugged back, and started crying loudly on Bills shoulder,

"Shh, its okay, I'm here," Bill whispered, holding Dipper by the waist, "you wanna lay down?" He asked in a whisper,

Dipper nodded I response, holding Bill by the neck, he seemed to calm down, just a little, hearing Bill sing that song, seemed to mess with his emotions,

"You okay now, Pine Tree?" Bill asked as he held Dipper in his arms, and levitated back to the bed, placing Dipper down, but Dipper didn't seem to let go, so he laid down beside him, wrapping his arms around Dippers waist again,

"Y-yeah." Dipper stuttered, with shaky breaths,

"You sure?"


"You want me to stay with you for a while?" Bill asked looking down at Dipper,

"I wouldn't mind." Dipper rested his head on Bills chest,

Bill smiled at the action, "I wouldn't mind, either~" Bill purred, petting Dippers head as he fell into a deep sleep, Bill watched the boy,

"I wouldn't mind at all."


How was that??? It didn't take that long, but it was hard to think of. Heheheh. Nothing belongs to otherly than this fanfic,

Song: I won't let go - by rascal flatts,

Fandom: Alex Hirsch,


(•.°•) Chocolate chip!! (°•.°) blueberry!! That's all I baked srry!!

Bye my peeps!! Comment!! Vote, and share if ya want!!

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