Chapter 5.

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More specificly, My Little Ponies.

"How can you watch that stuff?" I asked Macy when I walked into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. 

"Because they are ponies! And they help one another! Its called Friendship is Magic, for a reason, Dustin. Oh also because they are soo cute!!" She said with a squeal.

Ugh. I can't bellieve I have to watch her. Mom and Dad had taken the rest of the girls to the mall. Macy, being sick today, couldn't go, No matter how much she begged. And no way was I going. So this is what i'm doing on a saturday night. Sitting at home with my little sister watching My Little Ponies. 

"I thought we were going to watch Garfield?" I asked holding up the movie. I actually really like it. I love how he's fat and get's annoyed by  the dog. 

"No! Not anymore! There is a pony marathon on and I will not miss it!!" She said with a serious tone. Gosh, Fiesty little child. I groaned.

"Fine. But you can't force me to watch it." I said getting up to leave the room.

"But-" She started. "You, HAVE to watch me." She said with a devilish smile. 

I stopped on the stairs. I then looked at the ceiling and thought,

"Why? Why must you do this to me."

I then turned and trudged back to the couch. I crossed my arms and sat down. I don't care if I was pouting. This wasn't fair. Dad could have stayed home or something. Not me. 

"Okay, so that one is Pinkie Pie. Oh! There's Rainbow Dash! Twilight, AppleJack, Fluttershy! and Rarity!" Macy told me. "Rainbow Dash, adn FlutterShy are pegusus's they can fly. Twilight and Rarity are Unicorns! and Finally, Applejack and Pinkie Pie are just ponies.:" She said with a smile.

"Raindbow Dash! Hey! Rainbow Dash!" Said a Pinkie Pie.

"Not now, Pinkie Pie!" Said Rainbow Dash.

"But Rainbow Dash!" Said Pinkie Pie.

"Go away Pinkie-" And then she hit a mountain. Oh my god. This show is so, so gay. Ugh. Make me drink acid or something? Anything. Instead of this. 

"I was gonna tell you to watch out for that mountain."  Pinkie Pie said.

After about 7 episodes, I was like this.

"Oh my god! Macy, How did Twilight know that?! She's such a smarty pants. And why is Pinkie Pie so crazy? Is she bi-polar? But Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash is like, my Fav-or-ite! Shes like, so cool and Badass- oops! I mean, she's a rebel..... But why is FlutterShy so shy? I liked the part where she had like a black guys voice though. From that blue flower. Aww is it over?! C'mon. It can't be! This is such a good show! I-" Oh. My. God. What's happening to me?!?

"See I knew you would like it!" She said with a smile. But then it faded and she got a confused look. "What's a badass?" She asked.

"Ohh, uhmm.. It's uh a, naughty word, and if you ever say it. Then santa won't bring you any presents on Christmas." I said, hoping she'd buy it.

"Ahh! I won't say it!  I won't! Hear that Santy Clause? I won't say it! Please bring me dress up clothes for Christmas!" She said squeezing her eyes  shut.

"Okay okay. Well it's about dinner time. So go get washed up." I told her.

She ran into the kitchen, to the sink. I followed behind. 

"Did you make it? Did you make it?" She asked with excitement.

"yes, I made your favorite. Tuna helper!" I said sliding a bowl her way and making one for myself. 

We ate in silence and then I said,

"I hate you." I said, but she knew I was kidding.

"Why?" She asked smiling. Already knowing why. 

"Because! You made me sit through like 3 hours of My little pony!" I said.

"Oh I know you liked it." She said scooping up more tuna helper.

" I did not!" I scoffed.

"You know you did and you can't deny it." She said rolling her eyes.

"Fine. But you can't tell anyone! Not even mom and dad. it'll be our little secret." I said.

She nooded and we pinky promised. 


It's been about 6 hours since Dad and them went to the mall. Where could they be?

I had already gave Macy a bath and got her in her pj's. I had to read her a bedtime story though. So that took a while. Now I'm sitting at the bar waiting. They couldn't have stayed out this long. The mall closes at 10. And it's almost 12.

Maybe I should call. No text first. Then call. 

I texted my dad, asking him where he was and when they thought they'd be home. It's been 15 minutes and still no reply.

I decided to call him.

Hmm. It went straight to voicemail. Weird. His phone must have died.

Next up is Mom.

Again. Voicemail! Agh!

Time to call re-inforcements. A.K.A. Kathy.

I dialed Kathy's number. I'm sure she'll pick up!

I waited a moment.

"Hello?" Said Kathy.

"Hey Kathy where are you guys? The mall's been closed for-" 

"Ha! Ha! Sorry can't come to the phone right now. Leave a message!" Then the beep came.

"Okay, where are you guys? The mall has been closed for an hour! Almost 2! *Sigh* Just call me back when you get this.." I said and clicked end. Stupid Kathy and her stupid trick voicemail.

 I decided to go to bed. I guess they will get home whenever. They better not be seeing a movie without me.. Especially if it's Part 2 of the 7th Harry Potter movie.


Why won't they answer?


Sooooo, what'd you think? Do you have any guesses to what might happen?:) 

And OMG. the my little pony thing i sooooooo weird. ahaha My OLDER brother actually got obsessed with it from some minecraft forum er somethin. He says he doesn't know how it gets u obsessed....And then GOT ME obsessed. So weird. Dont judge me  :P . It may sound lame....but its pretty funny sometimes xD but we have to watch them on youtube..:/  ....Anyways, *Comment, Vote, Rate!!!! Plan too upload.....MAYBE tomorrow. if not next week bc i'm going to a carnival with my friends family and another friend:) If that made sense...Anywhoo....BYE! :D

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