Chapter 2

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*beep beep* *beep beep* *beep beep*

The teen grudgingly reached out to turn his alarm off. 6:00 am

Yuu rubbed his sleepy eyes, stretched and finally stood out of bed. He went straight to the bathroom, took a nice bath and changed into his school uniform. He fixed his uniform in front of the mirror and smiled at it. He ran his fingers through his raven hair smoothly. Everything was on place. Except for the single strand of hair at the top of his head. He tried pushing it down, but then it would bounce back again. After a glance of himself, he lets out a smile.

He took his phone beside his bed, opened the application and finally opened his messages with -BlondVamp-. The one where in they get to talk in private.

|Yuchiro|: Good morning :)

He actually slept very late last night, from 6pm-1am, chatting with his friend. He doesn't get bothered by it though. The fluttering thing he feels when he talks with him, he liked it. Even though he knew that the user is a boy.

The reply came when he was already eating. Yuu doesn't care. What Yuu cares about is that he actually replied. And this will make his day again.

-BlondVamp-: Good morning to you too :D

-BlondVamp-: sorry if my reply was late. I just moved into another apartment you see. I just finished moving all my things inside ^^


|Yuchiro|: too bad I'm not there with you. I could have helped you :D

-BlondVamp-: hahaha yeah xD I wouldn't be suffering from backaches like this.

|Yuchiro|: yeah definitely. Anyway, I'm going to school.

-BlondVamp-: yes me too. I need to go to school. Chat ya later?

|Yuchiro|: alright then. Gonna go now. Later!

-BlondVamp-: byeeeeeee :D

After reading the response from his friend, he stood up from the table and placed his plate on the sink. Yuu grabbed his bag and walked out of the apartment room, locking the door before moving on.

A package outside? Yuu thoughts as he stopped from his tracks, noticing a box in the hallway. He was still in the apartment and still on the same floor.

He walked closer to the package and examined it closely. It seems the owner of the box isn't aware that their package has arrived. He decided to knock at the door to inform the owner.

The room isn't that far from his. Only three rooms away.

A reply came when he first knocked. 'A guy...'

The door swung open, revealing a blond-haired boy with blue eyes. He looked so tired though. The boy's hair was kind of messy, but still suited him. His eyes were fascinating enough that Yuu was even lost for words.

The blond seems to notice it and tried fixing his self. "I'm sorry..."

"No!" said Yuu. "I mean..." He laughed nervously, "It's okay. I knocked to tell you about the box outside your door. I believe it's yours."

The other teen took a peek outside and his eyes landed on the box that Yuu was talking about.

"Oh! I must've left it here. Haha how clumsy." The teen laughed. The blond then walked towards the package, "I just moved here, you see. I'm still fixing my things here and what's more is that I still need to go to school."

"Oh, enjoy your stay in the...uhh...apartment." He scratched the back of his neck, "Do you need some help?"

"No!" the blond said quickly. He raised his hand in front, giving him a gesture to stop. "I mean... No. Haha I'm okay. I can do this. Thank you for your kind offer." He got inside his room and faced Yuu. "And go to school now. I don't want to cause any trouble for my new neighbor..."

The corner of Yuu's lips curved upward, his head swung from side to side, "Not at all. Alright then, I'm leaving." The raven began sprinting away but before turning to the corner, he glanced back with his hand waving good-bye to his new acquaintance, "See you around...uhh.."

"Mika. Mikaela Shindo." The blond smiled as he waved back to Yuu.

"Haha bye, Mika!"
|So I tried using past tense, which is better? XD

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