first day

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Ren's POV~~~~~×_×

I woke up because I feel someone is poking me. I looked at my right side and saw my cousin Taki?!?! 'Why is she poking me?' I thought I stand up and looked at her "Why are you here?" I asked "Well first(1) I'm your cousin (2)were roommates and share the same room (3) its first day of school" she ended with a smirk 'wonder what's she's thinking?' "Well Ren come on breakfast is gonna be ready soon!" She shouted "okay I'm gonna be there but don't eat mine!" I said "what do you think that I will eat yours!?!" Taki said "w-whatever!" I shouted "just hurry up!" After that I quickly got into the bathroom and do bathroom stuff and after I run down stairs, I looked for Taki and don't see her nowhere the kitchen. I slowly walked over the table and eating my breakfast.

Taki's POV~~~~~^_^

I smirk behind the curtain, yes I was planing on scaring Ren so I can hear his girly scream.....okay.....1....2....3!!! I jumped at him and he screamed like a girl after that I got off him and laughed at him ,he just smacked my head playfully and I pouted "okay, no more games, we need to go to school" he said "okay,okay, kill joy!" I said I walked out of the house and locked the doors.

~timeskip brought to you by Taki's flying scissors~

Ren's POV~~~~~×_×

We were walking to school until I bumped into someone I fell and looked at the person I bumped into she has long blonde hair tied to the side and she was looking at her phone?!?! "Sorry" the girl said not looking at me. She hold out her hands and I grab them (wow I use many I's) "what's your name?" The girl said "um...I'm ren sanzenin. How about you?" I said "I'm Neru akita." She sai- I mean neru said. I looked at Taki she looked at her wide eyed and I saw her eyes sparkle I think she's gonna cry?!?! I ran towards her and left neru dumbfounded . I saw Taki feel onto her knees and sobs. I comforted Taki and ask her why she's crying she just said its nothing and got up 'well I need to find out' I thought.

Taki's POV

'Huh!!! Why ren why didn't you know!!! She was the girlfriend of my crush!!' I thought angrily and walked faster I heard ren shout my name but I ignored him I ran towards the school because I heard the bell rang!! I ran towards the hallway after that I got to the principal office to get OUR schedule , yes OUR , Me and ren has to have the same schedule, U see I have to looked after him because he can get tired easily that's why he stopped being a player. Huh so...? First is English , yes my favorite. And second math Ren's favorite. And third p.e ,ugh!! I hate this subject and the last one is music!!! ,yes!! Okay wow only four subjects right now I'm starting to like this school, well when I was walking someone hugged me from behind and I feel my back getting wet , I looked behind me and saw ren?!?!

~to be continued~

Guys sorry for having a cliffhanger!!! And later I will make a part two of this and you will know why.

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